Trampoline, Tumbling and DMT Continental Brevet Judging Course

Gymnastics Ireland announce that will be hosting a TRA/TUM/DMT Continental Judges’ Course (2013 – 2016) in Dublin from the 3rd-5th May.

All article, here.

Source: Gymnastics Ireland

Discipline National Championships Information

The National Championships season is in full swing and details are now available for the Trampoline, Acrobatics, Men’s Artistic, Women’s Artistic and Tumbling Finals.

Click on the links below for more information:

Source: Gymnastics Ireland

Scandinavian Open Trampoline

Scandinavian Open Trampoline - Haslev, DenmarkThe winners of the Open category:

woman: Anne van der Veen (NED)
men: Peter Jensen (DK).  
All results from the prelims for U12, U14 and U16 are now online at the website.


Source: SOT

Gymnastics Ireland - Dublin, IrelandGymnastics Ireland are hosting an FIG International Brevet Judging Course for TRA, TUM & DMT on 3rd, 4th & 5th May 2013. The course will take place in Dublin.

This course is open to any country.

Email for details or to book on the course.
Source: Gymnastics Ireland
Happy Easter from the whole Eurotramp-Team!

Daytona Beach will play host to T&T's 2013 Stars and Stripes Cup

Approximately 300 trampoline and tumbling athletes will converge on Daytona Beach, Fla., for the 2013 Stars and Stripes Cup, Aug. 29-Sept. 1. The three-day event at the Ocean Center showcases the USA's best in men's and women's trampoline, tumbling, synchronized trampoline and double mini-trampoline and will serve as the final selection event for this year's World Championships and World Age Group Competition.
"Our trampoline and tumbling athletes are looking forward to returning to Daytona Beach," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics. "Our national team athletes enjoyed both the city and competitive success when the 2010 Pan American Championships were held there. The Stars and Stripes Cup features our top trampoline and tumbling gymnasts, and sports fans in the area will have the perfect opportunity to see these athletes as they vie for spots on the 2013 World Championships Team, the first stop on the journey to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."
The local organizations assisting with the hosting and staging of the Stars and Stripes Cup are the Central Florida Sports Commission, the Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Daytona Beach Ocean Center.
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Campeonato Nacional Duplo Mini Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os resultados completos do Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim 2013 e apuramento para Campeonato do Mundo por Grupos de Idade (Trampolim Individual e Sincronizado), que decorreu em Loulé, no Pavilhão Municipal, a 23 e 24 de Março.

Resultados Campeonato Nacional DMT

Resultados Apuramento CMGI

Fonte FGP

Campeonato Nacional DMT - Fotos

Artigo - Nacional DMT 2013

"Os ginásios de trampolins ficaram vazios um pouco por todo o país, já que todos os caminhos iam dar a Loulé no dia 23 de Março de 2013.
De há uns anos a esta parte, tem sido um local que nos acostumámos a visitar, uma vez que tem sido palco de várias competições, nomeadamente a Loulé Cup e a Taça do Mundo.
Este ano teve uma particularidade que se veio a tornar o centro das atenções, infelizmente não pelas melhores razões. A ginástica Rítmica juntou-se no mesmo local para disputar o Campeonato Distrital e a Qualificativa. Antes de continuarmos, pretendemos clarificar que nada temos contra a ginástica Rítmica e não se tratará aqui qualquer questão relacionada com a Rítmica, mas sim com a organização que foi levada a cabo nesta competição.
Para os mais desatentos, voltamos a recordar: Distrital + Qualificativa de Rítmica no mesmo dia e ao mesmo nível que um Nacional de DMT".

Erste Saar Trophy ein voller Erfolg!

Rund 122 Tampolinturner/innen aus 35 Vereinen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet waren am Samstag, den 23. März im Saarland am Start. Die neue Multifunktionshalle (Halle 80) der Hermann Neuberger Sportschule, mit ihrer Höhe von mehr als 10 m, bot dafür genau den richtigen Rahmen.
TSG Saar e.V.
Deutschlands Trampolin-Spitzenturner zeigten bei der erstmals ausgerichteten Saar Trophy ihr ganzes Können und begeisterten das Publikum. So zeigten die Athleten beeindruckende Sprünge mit teileweise mehrfachen dreifachen Salti. Erwartungsgemäß standen am Ende bei den Damen und Herren jeweils die Teilnehmer der Leistungszentren von Bad Kreuznach, Salzgitter, Frankfurt sowie Weingarten auf den vorderen Plätzen.
Source: TSG Saar

Houston National Invitational 2013

Jhonny Muñoz, destacado deportista del departamento de Norte de Santander y gran valuarte de la selección nacional estuvo participando en la copa invitacional de Houston del 22 al 24 de febrero en el cual obtuvo el 3 puesto en barra fija y el 2 puesto en arzones, felicitaciones por su exitosa competencia por los estados unidos.
Fonte: Federacion Colombiana di Gimnasia
voluntarios 30 abril

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Coimbra

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Coimbra - Coimbra, PortugalJá estão disponíveis no site da AGDC os resultados do TORNEIO DE NÍVEIS DE TRAMPOLINS, realizado no passado dia 17 de Março de 2013, em Sangalhos.

Veja aqui.

Fonte AGDC

USA Gymnastics T&T Summer Camp

USA Gymnastics T&T Scholarship Fund Summer Camp "Camp Wakeshma"
Combine trampoline and tumbling, the sport you love, with the amazing youth experiences found only in a summer camp setting. Located on the shores of Corey Lake, a large all-sport lake in southwest Michigan, athlete participants can count on twice-a-day training with other athletes from all over the country and also enjoy other traditional summer camp activities that make for life-lasting memories.
USA Gymnastics Trampoline and Tumbling has fostered a unique partnership with Camp Wakeshma, a very old and established Michigan summer camp. USA Gymnastics T&T, camp sponsors and a host of volunteers have been able to develop a summer experience for T&T athletes ages 10 – 16 that provides them with truly unique "national camp" live-in training and a classic summer camp recreational experience. The Athletes, Clinicians, Staff and the wonderful staff of professional counselors and administrators at Camp Wakeshma create a magical mix that produces a summer trampoline and tumbling event that is special indeed.
Source/news USA gymnastics

Campeonato Nacional DMT e Apuramento CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular referente ao Campeonato Nacional de DMT e provas de Apuramento CMGI com as respetivas Ordens de Passagem.

Consulte, aqui.

Fonte FGP

Vlaamse Kampioenen Trampoline zijn gekend!

Seniores meisjes Trampoline: goud voor Justine Brodelet, zilver gaat naar Margo Leman en brons is voor Joni SabbeAfgelopen weekend vond in Oostakker het Vlaams Kampioenschap Trampoline individueel, Trampoline synchroon en Tumbling plaats. Meer dan 600 gymnasten zakten af naar Sporthal Wolfput om te strijden voor de Vlaamse medailles.

Bij de senioren dames toonde Justine Brodelet (Sterk en Lenig Drongen) op de trampoline enkele fantastische reeksen en behaalde een totaalscore van 141,435 punten. Met dit resultaat liet Justine een kloof van bijna 10 punten met haar eerste achtervolgster Margo Leman (Turnkring Ten Gaerde). Brons werd gewonnen door Joni Sabbe (Lenig en Vlug Beveren-Leie). Justine sleepte meteen ook de B-norm in de wacht voor het WK dat in november in Sofia (BUL) plaats vindt. Ze is dus op goede weg om zich binnenkort ook effectief te selecteren voor deelname.
Bij de jongens ging Joris Geens (Sterk en Lenig Drongen) met de gouden medaille aan de haal. Hij behaalde een totaalscore van 148,070 punten. Zilver en brons gingen respectievelijk naar Stijn Avau (111,640 punten) en Simon Debacker (79,810 punten).

Trampoline synchroon
In de discipline Trampoline synchroon werd de gouden medaille gewonnen door Gaëll Merlevede en Charlotte Buys (Rust Roest Brugge – Des beveren). Beide gymnasten sprongen maar liefst 71,500 punten bij elkaar. Zilver ging naar het duo Justine Brodelet en Ottilie Schelstraete (Sterk en Lenig Drongen). Zij kregen 59,900 punten van de jury. Brons werd gewonnen door Judith Beel en Lynn Patrouille (beiden Rust Roest Brugge) die 54,600 punten behaalden.
Justine en Ottilie wisten in een extra selectiereeks een eerste stap te zetten naar het Wereldkampioenschap, door alvast een eerste keer de B-norm te turnen.
Source/news: Gymnastiek Federatie

Nova Promoção Catálogo Clube para Maillots Masculinos Christian Moreau. Consulte

Juizes Internacionais 2013-2016

Juizes InternacionaisRealizou-se nos passados dias 8 a 10 de Março, na sede da Federação de Ginástica de Portugal mais um Curso Internacional de Juízes para a Ginástica de Trampolins. Nesse curso, lecionado pela “Expert” do Comité Técnico da FIG, Tatiana Shuyska, estiveram presentes 20 juízes portugueses entre os quais algumas caras novas a tentarem o brevet internacional.
Depois de um fim de semana onde foram esmiuçados os códigos e regulamentos internacionais com particular atenção para as suas alterações e para os novos critérios de análise no ajuizamento dos diferentes aparelhos da Ginástica de Trampolins e depois das fortes emoções vividas durante os períodos de exames realizados, foram divulgados os resultados ficando apenas por determinar por parte da FIG (Federação Internacional de Ginástica) as diferentes categorias que cada um terá em cada aparelho (TRA; Tu e DMT).

Flower Cup 2013 - Finales

Resultados finais da sondagem TrampNews

Fechada a sondagem da TrampNews sobre "A organização de estágios conjuntos entre as várias especialidades da ginástica é uma boa iniciativa da FGP?".
Verificaram-se os seguintos resultados:
1- Sim 71%
2- Não 28%
A TrampNews agradece desde já a participação de todos os nossos seguidores.
Happy Jumps :)

Scandinavian Open Trampoline, only two weeks to go!

There are now more than 170 competitors for the event. Recently, had entries from Austria and Belgium, and they will compete against competitors from the Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and Denmark.
Updated all lists of competitors on official website of the competition. Here.

All the winners of the 20th Aalsmeer Flower Cup!

T-shirt logoThe 20th edition of the Flower Cup showed trampolining as the sport can be. A net total of 316 gymnasts showed some sad failures, interspersed with spectacular world-class performances.

The finals showed a spectrum of routines.
Source: AFC

Workshop de Trampolins

Esta ação de formação está aberta a todos os professores de Educação Física dos grupos 260 e 620 e treinadores de ginástica. Ação validada em 25 horas de formação.
Fonte/notícia: Gymadeira

Rathdrum trampoline qualifier

Results and photos are now in from Sunday’s Rathdrum Trampoline qualifier.

The Rathdrum qualfiier hit new hieghts when over 40 gymnasts qualified at the event for a place at the National Finals next month in Newry on the 28th.

All article, here.

Source/news: Gymnastics Ireland


Dit weekend Vlaams Kampioenschap TU, TRA en TRS

Logo GymfedNa de vele provinciale voorrondes staan dit weekend de eerste Vlaamse Kampioenschappen van 2013 op het programma. Op deze wedstrijden verzamelen de beste Vlaamse gymnasten die zich tijdens de provinciale voorrondes wisten te selecteren.

Op zaterdag 16 en zondag 17 maart trekken meer dan 600 gymnasten uit maar liefst 72 clubs naar Oostakker om deel te nemen aan het Vlaams Kampioenschap TRA ABI, TU ABI en TRS. Deze wedstrijd gaat door in Sporthal Wolfput en wordt georganiseerd door Turnkring Oostakker.

Voor de Trampoline- en Tumblinggymnasten tussen 11 en 18 jaar (A-niveau) is dit een enorm belangrijke wedstrijd. Deze wedstrijd is namelijk selectief voor de WAGC die in november door gaat in Sofia (BUL). Voor de seniors is deze wedstrijd selectief voor het Wereldkampioenschap.
Source/news: Gymnastiek Federatie


Le premier Rassemblement TR de l’année 2013 a eu lieu le samedi 2 mars, à Namur.
Lors de ce premier rendez-vous, une quinzaine de trampolinistes et quatre moniteurs se sont retrouvés dans une ambiance conviviale et décontractée. Vous pouvez consulter les photos de ce Rassemblement dans notre rubrique Photos.

All article, here.

Source/news: FfG

Castelferretti: Diavoli Rossi e Riviera Fiori, il tandem alla riscossa del Trampolino

Si è conclusa, sabato scorso, anche la seconda prova del Campionato Nazionale di società di Trampolino Elastico, andato in scena a Castelferretti, nell’Anconetano. La Polisportiva Diavoli Rossi recupera ben due posizioni rispetto alla gara di apertura, aggiudicandosi la seconda prova con lo score di 190.680, valido per 25 punti speciali. Giuseppe Sardo, Leonardo Titone, Antonino Parisi e Chiara Sciarrino costringono, così, la super blasonata Milano 2000 sulla piazza d’onore con 187.865 punti (22 punti speciali).
Il torneo si è svolto regolarmente” - Commenta il tecnico azzurro Ezio Meda. “Purtroppo abbiamo registrato un calo delle adesioni dovuto a problemi di trasferimento, che hanno portato da 14 a 12 le squadre partecipanti.I marsalesi(Pol. Diavoli Rossi, ndr) se la sono cavata davvero bene. Sarà interessante vedere cosa accadrà in occasione della finale, non sono da escludere colpi di scena!”
Fonte/notícia: FGI

USA Gymnastics selects two clubs for first phase of trampoline development program

USA Gymnastics has selected two clubs to participate in the first phase of its pilot program to develop trampoline and tumbling in the United States. Mills Gymnastics USA in Southgate, Mich., and the Wendy Hilliard Foundation in New York City have been chosen as the first clubs to become Trampoline Development Centers. The initiative's goal is to incorporate competitive trampoline into the curriculum in gyms across the nation to expand its Olympic pipeline.
"We are very pleased with the interest in this program and the number of clubs that have applied," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics. "The potential for the Trampoline Development Centers is unlimited, and I believe this program will help grow trampoline into our gymnastics community, as well as result in capable athletes getting into the athlete development pipeline. We are thrilled to announce Mills Gymnastics and the Wendy Hilliard Foundation as our first two partners in this undertaking."
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Torneio de Níveis de Trampolins

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Coimbra - Coimbra, PortugalJá está disponível no site da AGDC a Circular de Prova do Torneio de Níveis de Trampolins, a realizar no próximo dia 17 de Março de 2013, em Sangalhos.

Ver circular, aqui.

Fonte: AGDC

WAGC: Update selectieprocedure Trampoline

In november 2013 gaat in Sofia (BUL) de World Age Group Competition TRA-DMT-TU door. De selectieprocedures voor deze internationale wedstrijd werden in het najaar 2012 reeds gepubliceerd.
Door een wijziging in de FIG-reglementering (geen opgelegde reeks TRS) en om de gymnasten de kans te geven om in de ideale omstandigheden een selectie te proberen behalen, werd de selectieprocedure in beperkte mate aangepast.
Source:Gymnastiek Federatie

Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim / Provas de Apuramento CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a Circular do Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim 2013 e da Prova de Apuramento - CMGI 2013, que terão lugar nos próximos dias 23 e 24 de março, no Pavilhão Municipal de Loulé.
Fonte FGP


TrampCast: Episode 2The next episode of the podcast TrampCast; the latest project of Trampoline Pundit. This one features stories about “The Ultimate,” Eurotramp’s newest competition trampoline; upcoming competitions; and Guest Pundit posts from our friends at Trampoline and Tumbling Express.
By in Trampoline Pundit

Inscrição para Apuramento CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular com a informação referente à inscrição para a prova de apuramento para os 22ª Competição Mundial por Grupos de Idades (CMGI) que acontecerá durante o Campeonato Nacional de DMT.
Fonte FGP

Aalsmeer Flower Cup will be on March 16th.

T-shirt logo     Entries have been received from more than 20 countries all over the world. Olympic contestants, many world-class athletes, together with those new to international competitions. It’s bound to be an exciting competition!

For spectators

The entrance fee for the day is €7.50. Children up to 15 and people over 65 pay only €5.
The preliminaries are between 9:30 and 18:30. The finals start at 19:30.

Read all about the competition,here.


Copa del Mundo de Trampolín

Ya es oficial: Entre el 11 y el 15 de Septiembre, Valladolid acogerá la Copa del Mundo de Trampolín:
Foto: Ya es oficial: Entre el 11 y el 15 de Septiembre, Valladolid acogerá la Copa del Mundo de Trampolín:,10853,5187-188479-205701-nav-list,00.html
Fonte:Federación de Gimnasia de Castilla y León 

FIG Committees start off new cycle

Trampoline Gymnastics
Two of the main topics on the Trampoline Technical Committee’s agenda were a look back over the judges’ courses held thus far and the Olympic Games qualification process.
Committee president Horst Kunze (GER) and his colleagues pointed out ambiguity and discrepancies in the General Judges Rules, equally noticed by other TC presidents. A proposal outlining slight adjustments to these rules will be forwarded to the Competition Commission and Executive Committee for the benefit of the national federations.
Following the idea of a new qualification system for the Olympic Games, the committee discussed and finalised a first working proposal for the Competition Commission that includes the World Cups as part of the qualification process.
Source/news: FIG

Rio would be grand

A SUSSEX trampolinist is dreaming of 2016 Olympic gold after further success on the British Circuit.
Nineteen-year-old Luke Bennett placed second in a competition in Bath last weekend and is hoping continued success in the men's elite level category will cement his place as a key player in the national squad.
He said: "I had a bit of a shock in the first competition of the season in Gillingham. I didn't do too well but bounced back in Bath and placed second.
"My main goal has always been to be in the national squad."

Read all article, here.

Source/news: Sussex

Iniciativa Trawp - Calças de Trampolim

Calças de Trampolim TrawpCom o objectivo de obter condições para continuar a noticiar o que se vai passando no mundo dos Trampolins em Portugal, o Trawp decidiu inovar, lançando umas calças de Trampolim exclusivamente dedicadas aos Trampolins.
Alguns ginastas de topo no nosso país aderiram já á iniciativa e mostram a sua preferência pela qualidade e design destes novos modelos, com o simbolo bordado na cor original do logotipo do site.
Fonte: Trawp

Stage de préparation pour les Championnats du Monde

Stage de préparation pour les Championnats du Monde pour les Seniors en Trampoline
Du lundi 4 mars au vendredi 8 mars, le pôle France d'Antibes accueille les meilleurs trampolinistes français afin de préparer les prochains Championnats du Monde. Guillaume Bourgeon et Franck Bardy encadreront les seniors en vue des Championnats du Monde de Trampoline. les meilleurs trampolinistes seront présents.
Source FFG

Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os resultados da Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling para o Campeonato Nacional 2013, competição que teve lugar no CAR de Anadia, no passado fim de semana. A competição contou também para ranking de apuramento para os Campeonatos Mundiais por Grupos de Idade, Jogos Mundiais e Campeonatos do Mundo.
Fonte FGP

Scandinavian Open Trampoline

httlogo180Updated the lists of competitors.

Check them out now.
Check here.

Source SOT

USA - JumpStart National Team Camp going on now

The Jumpstart National Team Camp is going on through Sunday at the USA Gymnastics National Training Center at Karolyi Ranch an Official US Olympic Training Site. More photos will be posted this weekend.
Source: USA Gymnastics

Qualificativa DMT e TUM - Resultados 1º dia

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou as listagens de resultados do 1º dia da Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling e finais de apuramento para os Jogos Mundiais e Campeonatos do Mundo Tumbling, a decorrer no Centro de Alto Rendimento de Anadia.
Fonte FGP

Trampoline History

Foto: One of the first trampoline schools - Valley Trampoline Center in San Fernando Valley, California. Under the direction of Jess Robinson. 1957

NISSEN NEWS #6 has been posted at:
One of the first trampoline schools - Valley Trampoline Center in San Fernando Valley, California. Under the direction of Jess Robinson. 1957

NISSEN NEWS #6 has been posted at:

Prova Qualificativa DMT / TUM: Ordens de Passagem - Atualização

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a atualização das Ordens de Passagem, relativas à Prova Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling, que será organizada nos próximos dias 2 e 3 de março, no Centro de Alto Rendimento da Anadia.
Fonte FGP

Regulamento do Funcionamento e Subvenções

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou o Regulamento atualizado de Fucionamento do Conselho de Ajuizamento e o documento de subvenções e apoios a juízes.
Fonte FGP

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica