Estágio de Trampolins

Depois do Estágio Internacional de Trampolim para ginastas seniores das Seleções Nacionais de Portugal e Grã Bretanha, realizado no CAR Anadia, de 17 a 20 de abril, tiveram lugar mais dois Estágios/Treinos em conjunto.
Segundo a FGP foram duas ações muito importantes, nas quais também estiveram presentes treinadores dos Clubes (convidados a acompanhar os trabalhos), em que os ginastas cumpriram um plano de treinos previamente estabelecido, com os seguintes objetivos: controlo/avaliação prospetiva; treino técnico específico, sem esquecer o momento da época - período competitivo de trampolim; informações/propostas para os treinadores do trabalho a desenvolver.
Fonte: FGP


Coslada acoge el próximo sábado 4 de Mayo, a partir de las 10 horas, el Cto. Autonómico de Trampolín en las categorías: Sub 15- Alevin, Infantil y Juvenil y Absoluto- Junior y Senior.

Todo artigo, aqui.

Fonte: CGC            

Gymnasts excel at Trampoline Gymnastics camp

Senior National Squad Members have returned home from the first Senior National Camp for 2013 inspired and ready to tackle the next 4 years!
Held at the Castle Hill RSL Gymnastics Club over the weekend, this was the first National Squad training camp of the new Olympic cycle with 15 of the 20 Senior Squad members attending the camp, planned and organised by Elite Double-Mini Trampoline (DMT) Co-ordinator, Belinda Cox.

Day 1 of camp kicked off with a DMT trial for the two World Games positions offered to Australia by the FIG. Six male and four female gymnasts trialled for the positions to represent Australia at the Games being held in Cali, Columbia in August. The remainder of the day saw the DMT gymnasts focus on running drills, while the Trampoline gymnasts focused on a competition preparation program under the guidance of Olympic Judge, Brett Austine. The full squad also took advantage of the pit facilities at Castle Hill to work on skill development for the coming year, along with cross training opportunities including cardio and weights gym access, yoga, Pilates, tai chi and aqua fitness. The day was completed with a hot/cold recovery session using the recovery centre at Castle Hill and a psychology lecture by Athletes' Commission chair, Damian Ryan who spoke about becoming a "Competition Warrior".
Source/article: Gymnastics Australia

Uitkijken naar het BK TU, TRA, TRS, DMT!

Op 4 en 5 mei organiseert de GymnastiekFederatie Vlaanderen in samenwerking met Gymplus het Belgisch Kampioenschap TRA, TRS, DMT en TU. Zaterdag komen de trampolinegymnasten in actie, dit zowel tijdens de synchroon als indiviuele wedstrijd. Op zondag is het de beurt aan de gymnasten binnen de discipline Dubbele Minitrampoline en Tumbling.

 En, tijdens dit BK zullen niet enkele onze eigen Belgische tumblers het beste uit de kast halen. In elke categorie (min, bel, jun en sen) zullen enkele Britse gymnasten aantreden in de open competitie.
Binnen de categorie seniores jongens krijgen we niemand minder dan Kristof Willerton aan het werk te zien.
Source: Gymnastiek Federatie

Torneio Aberto de Trampolins 2013

A AGA comunica que realiza-se nos próximos dias 11 e 12 de maio o Torneio Aberto de Trampolins, no Pavilhão Municipal de S. Brás de Alportel.

Toda a notícia, aqui.

Fonte: AGA

Turn-Talentschule München gewinnt

Die Turn-Talentschule München setzte sich beim Nachwuchsvergleich der Trampolinturner am vergangenen Wochenende in Cottbus durch.

Mit einem knappen Vorsprung von 6,3 Punkten vor der Talentschule Cottbus-Lausitz holten die bayerischen Mädchen und Jungen 418,7 Punkte und damit den Turn-Talenschul Cup 2013. Auf dem dritten Rang landeten der Nachwuchs der TTS Salzgitter mit 405,4 Punkten. Erneut zeigte sich bei diesem Wettkampf, dass eine solide Ausbildung der jungen Turner nicht nur auf dem Trampolin, sondern vor allem auch in der athletischen Grundausbildung den Grundstein für Erfolge legt.
Source/news: DTB

T&T's 2013 U.S. Elite Challenge

2012 Olympians Steven Gluckstein of Atlantic Highlands, N.J./Elite Trampoline Academy and Savannah Vinsant of Lafayette, La./T&T Express, who is the first American to advance to the Olympic trampoline finals, and Olympic alternates Dakota Earnest of Plains, Texas/Acrospirits, and Logan Dooley of Lake Forest, Calif./World Elite Gymnastics, headline the field of 449 athletes competing in trampoline and tumbling's 2013 U.S. Elite Challenge, scheduled for May 3-5 at the Dr Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas. The three-day event showcases the USA's best in men's and women's trampoline, tumbling, synchronized trampoline and double mini-trampoline.
Performances at the U.S. Elite Challenge, combined with the results of the World Games Trials, will determine the team that will represent the USA at the 2013 World Games, scheduled for July 25-Aug. 4 in Cali, Colombia. The World Games are the equivalent to the Olympic Games for events and disciplines that are not currently on the Olympic program. Also for the elite level, this competition is one of the qualifying events for the U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Championships, as well as part of the selection process to determine the athletes who will represent the United States at World Championships and World Age-Group Competitions.
In addition to the junior and senior elite levels, the U.S. Elite Challenge also includes athletes in Levels 8-10 and the Olympic Development Program. Athletes will earn points for the Olympic Development Program Team based on their performances in Frisco.
The basic competition schedule is as follows; a more detailed schedule is available by clicking here.
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Sondagem TrampNews

Terminada a sondagem "Concorda com a cobrança de bilhetes nos eventos da Federação de Ginástica de Portugal?" realizada pela TrampNews, verificaram-se os seguintes resultados:

Apenas eventos internacionais

 Obrigado pela sua participação!

Gym Finales 2013

Le samedi 1er juin 2013 se tiendra la 15e édition des Gym Finales, à Gand. Les Gym Finales constituent la compétition nationale la plus importante, durant laquelle les deux meilleurs gymnastes belges de chaque discipline s’affrontent dans un duel à chaque agrès ou engin.

Une vingtaine de duels sont au programme dans les disciplines suivantes : GAF, GAM, GR, ACRO, TR, TU et DMT. Dans chaque duel, deux gymnastes (juniors ou seniors) s’affronteront. La composition des duels sera communiquée avant le jour des Gym Finales.

Pour télécharger le document relatif à la procédure de sélection pour les Gym Finales 2013, cliquez ici.

Source/news : FfG

Trampolin-Bundesliga gestartet

Die Trampolin-Bundesliga startete am 20. April 2013 in ihre 41. Saison. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr wurden zwei Gruppen gebildet, NORD und SÜD.

In der Vorrunde starten zunächst alle Mannschaften je einmal gegeneinander. Die danach jeweils drei in der Tabelle führenden Teams nehmen anschließend an der Play Off Runde teil, die am 22. Juni in Weingarten ausgetragen wird und den Abschluss bildet. Der Sieger wird dort Deutscher Vereinsmeister 2013.

1. Wettkampf-Wochenende 20.4.2013
Trampolin Bundesliga Gruppe NORD
SV Brackwede : TV Unterbach  2:0 6:0 376,8 : 321,0
Bramfelder SV : SC Itzehoe   2:0 6:0 358,9 : 349,8
VfL Grasdorf : TSV Rudow   2:0 4:2 325,7 : 320,4

All article, here.

Source: DTB

The Trampoline European Championships 2014 in Portugal

The 24th European Championships in Trampoline Gymnastics have been attributed to the Portuguese Federation of Gymnastics. This event will take place in April 2014 in Guimarães in Portugal.
The contract has been signed today in the frame work of the European Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Moscow by the president of the Portuguese Federation, Mr. João Paulo Rocha and by the President of the European Union of Gymnastics Mr. Georges Guelzec as well as the Vice-president of the Federation Mr. Alvaro de Sousa and the UEG Vice President Mr. Ruedi Hediger in presence of the UEG Director, Mrs Kirsi Erofejeff Engman and Mr. Paul Garber, UEG Vice President.
Source/article: UEG

Bounce Up Course

Extreme Trampoline Bounce Up Course
Tuesday 30th April - Thursday 2nd May (inclusive)
9am-12pm Daily
Extreme T 03Ages: 5-8, 9-12
Cost: $95.00 (3 days)
Learn to be a Pro trampolinist! Extreme Trampolines, Extreme coaches, Extreme Fun! Taught by New Zealand representative trampolinists, children will learn safety on the trampolines as well as being extended to learn flips and skills under the watchful eyes of our qualified and experienced coaches. Beginners are welcomed and all sessions include fun and games.
At the conclusion of the course children will receive an Extreme Trampoline Bounce Up Ribbon to reward them for the hard work they have done.


A FGP adquiriu um Duplo Mini Trampolim (DMT) - 6x6 Eurotramp

A FGP adquiriu um Duplo Mini Trampolim (DMT) - 6x6, da marca Eurotramp. Segundo a FGP, "a necessidade desta aquisição prende-se com o facto da seleção nacional desta especialidade ter de se adaptar a este novo modelo (6x6) que vai ser utilizado nas próximas competições internacionais - 2013 (Jogos Mundiais - Cali/Colômbia e Campeonato do Mundo - Sófia/Bulgária).

Trata-se de um aparelho que apresenta diferenças significativas relativamente aos modelos anteriores, permitindo maiores amplitudes (altura) nos saltos e séries. Nas palavras dos ginastas que já o experimentaram, este DMT 6x6 é uma "bomba"!"
Fonte/ notícia: FGP

2013 Alberta T&T Provincial Championships

The 2013 Alberta T & T Provincial Championships will be hosted at the Southland Leisure Center in Calgary, 204 athletes from 11 Alberta clubs and 2 clubs visiting from Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
 Result Day 1

 Result Day 2

 Result Day 3

Source: Alberta Gymnastics Federation

Marsala - La Milano 2000 conquista lo Scudetto 2013

Il  podio del Campionato Nazionale di società T.E. Alla A.S.D. Società Ginnastica Milano 2000 il 17° (5 + 12) Scudetto Tricolore di Società della Sezione Trampolino Elastico, dal ’97 al 2001 nell’ambito F.I.T.E. (Federazione Italiana Trampolino Elastico) e dal 2002 al 2013 nella F.G.I. Questo il risultato ottenuto a seguito delle prove disputate a Milano il 9 febbraio, a Chiaravalle il 9 marzo e con la 3a Prova del Campionato Nazionale a Marsala, il 13 aprile scorso. L’evento realizzato con l’organizzazione dell’A.S.D. Polisportiva Diavoli Rossi, diretta dal Presidente Giuseppe Colicchia e dai suoi Soci Collaboratori, che si sono adoperati al meglio per realizzare questa bella giornata di sport, ha concluso l’edizione 2013 del Torneo federale.
Source: FGI

Newry Qualifier - results and photos

The final qualifications before the Trampoline National Finals took place yesterday, Sunday 14th April, in Newry Leisure Centre.

For full results click here.

To see some images from the day click here.

All article, here.

Source: Gymnastics Ireland

Trampoline History

In the fall of 1976 George Nissen and I traveled to Egypt in hopes of introducing the competitive sport of trampoline to the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation. To become an Olympic event George knew that a sport must be recognized in numerous countries and each must have it included in their Federations. Adding Egypt to the list would only help in the dream of one day seeing trampoline as an Olympic event.  

Staff wanted

Do you have what it takes to be part of the Extreme Trampoline Team?

If yes, we want to hear from you!

We are currently recruiting:

  • Recreational coach - 20 hours per week - after school hours
  • Club Manager - 20 hours per week - after school hours and weekends

 Relevant qualifications and experience necessary. Must be available for all of the hours necessary.

How to apply, here.

EUROTRAMP Trampolinepics


Source: Eurotramp

Resultados Qualificativa Trampolim Individual e Apuramento CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os resultados da prova qualificativa de Trampolim Individual e apuramento para Campeonato do Mundo por Grupos de Idades, que decorreu a 13 e 14 de abril, no pavilhão municipal de Santarém.
A FGP salienta ainda o primeiro lugar e respetiva atribuição de lugar para representação portuguesa nos Jogos Mundiais na Colômbia, no aparelho de Duplo Mini Trampolim, da ginasta Sílvia Saiote do Sporting Clube de Portugal, que assim se junta ao ginasta do Lisboa Ginásio Clube, André Lico, já apurado para representação portuguesa para esta prova no Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim decorrido em Loulé.
Fonte: FGP
30th International Frivolten Cup

In Trampoline and Double Mini Tramp
May 10th – 11th 2013

Flávia Moutinho está em intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos

A ginasta do Minas Tênis Clube Flávia Moutinho viajou no início de fevereiro para o estado de Indiana nos Estados Unidos onde realiza intercâmbio.

A princípio, a oportunidade de estar em outro país era somente para melhorar a fluência no inglês, mas logo se transformou numa oportunidade de treinamento.

Instalada na cidade de Scherriville e treinando na cidade vizinha de Dyer, ela encontrou pela frente a chance de treinar com dois russos. Oleg Fedosov e Slava Marozau estão a frente do Midwest Training Center onde a atleta brasileira treina até dia 20 de maio.
Fonte/artigo: Trampolim Brasil

Trampolin-Bundesliga startet am 20. April

Am 20. April beginnt die 41. Saison in der Trampolin-Bundesliga. Titelverteidiger Frankfurt FLYERS wird versuchen, sich auch diesmal gegen Konkurrenten wie MTV Bad Kreuznach oder TGJ Salzgitter durchzusetzen.

Der Modus der Jubiläumsrunde der Bundesliga 2012 wird auch in diesem Jahr beibehalten. Dies bedeutet, dass in den zwei Gruppen NORD und SÜD in der Vorrunde alle Vereine gegeneinander antreten, bevor die jeweils drei besten Clubs nach dem Tabellenstand sich für die Endkämpfe qualifizieren.
Source: DTB

Les françaises rencontrent un des grands noms du trampoline

Léa Labrousse et Marine Jurbert avec Dmitri Poliaroush.Lors de leur stage de trampoline aux USA, les françaises Léa Labrousse et Marine Jurbert ont fait la connaissance d'un des grands noms du trampoline: Dimitri Poliaroush !
Source: FFG

Seleções Nacionais de Trampolins

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou as informações relativas às seleções nacionais de trampolins.
 Circular: Seleções Nacionais

Fonte: FGP

Stage d'entraînement Trampoline masculin à New Jersey

Matteo Campus et Romain LegrosDu 10 au 18 avril, deux gymnastes français ont rendez-vous dans le New Jersey (USA) pour un stage d'entraînement en Trampoline masculine.

All article, here.

Source: FFG

Brasil define seleções de trampolim para o próximo ciclo olímpico

Foi realizada neste ultimo fim de semana no Núcleo de Ginástica Olímpica Tatiana Figueiredo, no Rio de Janeiro, a seletiva para montar as novas seleções masculinas e femininas de trampolim.
Visando o novo ciclo olímpico, a confederação brasileira de ginástica vem formando ao longo do primeiro semestre, uma seleção base para todas as ginásticas.
A avaliação foi realizada no sábado e os atletas tiveram que realizar testes físicos e técnicos, apresentando séries livres e obrigatórias, além de algumas sequências de movimentos.

Ao fim do dia, a técnica principal da seleção de trampolim Tatiana Figueiredo, juntamente de Marco Oliveira e Marcelo Neves comunicaram os atletas da nova seleção.
Fonte/ artigo: Trampolim Brasil

Burnett soars to men’s trampoline title at Elite Canada

Grounded for months after surgery to remove five screws and a metal plate from a previously broken leg, high-flying Jason Burnett of Toronto returned to competition with a bang on Sunday in the men’s trampoline final at Elite Canada.

With less than a month of training under his belt following the December surgery, Burnett was shaky in the prelims on Saturday, but stormed back in the final with a decisive victory in a field of 13 competitors.

The two-time Olympian eased up slightly on his degree of difficulty in the final but still managed to leave his closest rivals far behind with a score of 59.090 points.

Sebastien St-Germain of Montreal was second with 55.270 and Charles Thibault of Quebec City was third at 54.515.

“There was never a question about getting the skills back, just with getting the consistency I need,” said Burnett, in his first competition since the 2012 Olympics last August.
“Everything has gone smoothly since the surgery and I’ve been back in the gym and bouncing since March and doing a lot of physio. There’s still work to do but everything is coming together for the world championships in the fall.”

Burnett broke the fibula in his right leg in 2010 while making a demonstration video and missed almost a year leading up to the 2012 Games.
Source/article: Gymnastics Canada

BG to launch High Performance Coach Development Programme

British GymnasticsBritish Gymnastics are set to pilot a new High Performance Coach Development Programme that will provide coaches with the necessary resources to maximize potential and achieve significant results on the International stage.
Targeted at existing High Performance coaches identified and endorsed by Head Coaches or Head of Disciplines, the UK Sport approved pilot scheme, which will begin in April, will see an intake of 8 coaches across 5 disciplines take part in the programme led by Adrian Stan - High Performance Coach Development Manager.
The programme aims to implement a behaviour based coaching model and adopt the “athlete-centred-coaching” philosophy with UK Sports Olympic mission priorities at its heart.  Coaches will be taught to incorporate best practices from a range of disciplines and challenge current practice to provide a platform to experiment and innovate.
Source/news: BG

2013-2017 National Technical Committees

British GymnasticsBritish Gymnastics is pleased to confirm the names of the newly elected members of the National Technical Committees. These newly elected members, along with the previously appointed officers, now complete the formation of the new National Technical Committees across the disciplines for the 2013/2017 cycle. 
Source/news: BG

Canada's top trampolinists and tumblers set to go at Elite Canada

More than 100 of Canada’s top trampolinists and tumblers kick off three days of competition Friday at Elite Canada in the first major national competition of the year.

With all three members of Canada’s 2012 Olympic trampoline team not competing at this year's event, including women’s gold medal winner Rosie MacLennan of Toronto who is out with a sprained ankle, the combined field is wide open for both junior and senior competitors to aim for the top of the podium.

Other absent Olympians are Jason Burnett, who had surgery recently to remove pins from an old leg injury, and Karen Cockburn who is expecting her first baby in September.

“There is a gap between the top three in the country and we hope that some of the younger competitors are starting to narrow that gap,” says trampoline high performance director Stephan Duchesne of Montreal.

“We have a lot of very young athletes with great potential but it’s going to take some time. It’s a long run to make it to the top level internationally in trampoline.”
Source/article: Gymnastics Canada

2013 T&T Word Games Trial

2012 Olympians Steven Gluckstein of Atlantic Highlands, N.J./ETA, and Savannah Vinsant of Lafayette, La./T&T Express, will compete tomorrow at the 2013 Word Games Trial, which will be held at the USA Gymnastics National Training Center at the Karolyi Ranch, an official U.S. Olympic Training Site.
The competition is the first of two events to determine the athletes who will represent the United States at the 2013 Word Games in Cali, Colombia this summer. The final selection event is the U.S. Elite Challenge, scheduled for May 2-5 in Frisco, Texas.
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Stage d'entraînement de trampoline féminin à Houston et Lafayette

Deux gymnastes membre du collectif France de trampoline féminin sont à Texas et Louisiane (USA) cette semaine dans le cadre d’un stage. Elles commenceront leur stage au Centre National de USA Gymnastics, le "Karolyi Ranch" à Huntsville, Texas (4-7 avril), et elles partiront ensuite pour la Louisiane, à T & T Express à Lafayette (7-11 avril).
Source: FFG

Prova Qualificativa de TRI e Apuramentos CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular e respetivas ordens de passagem da Prova Qualificativa de TRI e Apuramentos CMGI, que será realizada no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém, nos dias 13 e 14 de abril de 2013.
 Circular Prova Qualificativa TRI e Apuramento CMGI
Fonte: FGP

The Matrix Gym Project

Estágio Internacional de Trampolim: Seleções Nacionais Portugal e Grã-Bretanha

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a convocatória para o Estágio Internacional de Trampolim das Seleções Nacionais (seniores) de Portugal e Grã-Bretanha, que decorrerá no CAR - Anadia, entre os dias 17 e 21 de abril 2013.

 Convocatória: Estágio Internacional de Trampolim POR - GBR

Fonte: FGP

Irish Student Trampoline Open, Cork, April 5th – 7th 2013

Fiachra of the Irish Students Trampoline Open (ISTO) committee got in touch to inform us about the ISTO Competition in Cork this weekend.
ISTO is a year round non-profit event run voluntarily by 8 student & former student trampolinists from 5 Irish Universities which culminates in a 3 day competition between the 5th and the 7th of April. This year ISTO is being held in University College Cork’s Mardyke arena in Cork City for which entry to the public is free to view the event.
Last years competition included over 600 competitors – wow! Competitors are traditionally from Ireland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland but over the years, and as the competition has become bigger, competitors are attending from France, Netherlands and Germany.
This years competition plans to be bigger and better with  competitions in individual trampolining, synchronised trampolining, Double Mini Trampolining & tumbling  and introducing different levels of ability, from beginners to Elite competitors.
Source/news: Full twist

5de plaats voor Ben op internationale wedstrijd TRA

Afgelopen weekend namen twee Belgische gymnasten deel aan de Haslev Cup in Denemarken. Dit was een internationale wedstrijd trampoline.

In de categorie ‘open men’ verdedigde Ben Van Overberghe (Sportac Deinze) onze Belgische kleuren. En met succes! Ben slaagde er in om tijdens de kwalificaties, in twee reeksen, 94,465 punten bij elkaar te springen. Met dit resultaat eindigde Ben op de 4de plaats en kreeg hij een ticket voor de finale! In de finale veroverde Ben de 5de plaats met 51,705 punten.

Lauren Verleysen (Sportac Deinze) kwam in actie in de categorie junioren meisjes. Ze eindigde met 32,810 punten op een verdienstelijke 13de plaats.
Source: GF

Encontro Nacional de Infantis e o Encontro Saltitões e Cangurus

Alteração da data e local de realização
A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal informou que os eventos Encontro Nacional de Infantis e o Saltitões e Cangurus serão reagendados para os dias 15 e 16 de junho, em Salvaterra de Magos, numa coorganização FGP / Clube Trampolins de Salvaterra.
Fonte: FGP

Prova Qualificativa de TRI e Apuramentos CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular informativa da Prova Qualificativa de TRI e Apuramentos CMGI, que será realizada no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém, nos dias 13 e 14 de abril de 2013.
Fonte: FGP

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica