Season Closes With Trampoline Grand Prix

Well done to all Trampolinists who took part in the 2013 Grand Prix in Rathdrum last weekend.
The Grand Prix was the official closing competition for the Trampoline 2013 season.

Results are available here.
Images from the day can be viewed here.

All article, here.

Source/ news: Gymnastics Ireland

USA Gymnastics awards U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Championships to Kansas City

USA Gymnastics has awarded the 2013 U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Championships to Kansas City, Mo. The weeklong competition is scheduled for July 3-10 at Municipal Auditorium. With competition in Levels 5-10 and elite, the event will host the country's best trampoline and tumbling athletes and determine the U.S. champions.
"We are excited to welcome USA Gymnastics back to KC," said Rick Hughes, president & CEO of the Kansas City Convention & Visitors Association. "Over the course of seven days, this group will bring approximately 10,000 attendees. We're doing backflips knowing that these championships will generate an economic impact of more than $4.9 million to our local economy. It's one of the largest conventions held in KC this year."
The Elite Division, scheduled for July 4-6, determines the junior and senior national champions, and the Junior Olympic Division, slated for July 3-10, features competition for Levels 5-10. Both have competition in trampoline, double mini-trampoline, synchronized trampoline and tumbling for both men and women.
The USA's elite trampoline and tumbling gymnasts will earn points toward making the junior and senior national teams. It is also a selection event for both the World Championships and World Age-Group Competition teams.
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Rankings para Campeonato do Mundo, Jogos Mundiais e CMGI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os rankings atualizados das seguintes competições internacionais: Campeonato do Mundo, Jogos Mundiais e CMGI.

Veja tudo, aqui.

Fonte: FGP

Trampoline Coaching Worldwide

About the Trampoline Coaching Worldwide Group

Trampoline Coaching WorldwideHere all athletes and coaches of any background can comment, post and ask questions relating to the sport of Trampoline. Please keep all content applicable to Trampoline. Discussions revolving around appropriate skill progression to periodization will all be discussed within this group.

Nacional Trampolim 2013 - Rubrica

Nacional Trampolim 2013O pavilhão mais antigo recebeu novamente um campeonato nacional. Se a memória não nos atraiçoa, este pavilhão não recebia um campeonato nacional de trampolim desde 1995 e recordamo-nos que se tratou de uma competição com muita gente a assistir e muita emoção.

2013 está longe de ser um ano pacífico do ponto de vista político e organizativo e esta prova não fugiu á regra. Iniciamos este artigo desta maneira porque também a competição iniciou assim, com o aquecimento a trazer problemas para a restante prova. Os 2 primeiros grupos foram responsáveis pela grande parte do atraso que se verificou no final. Mas se a circular de prova não era esclarecedora no que diz respeito a quem deveria iniciar o aquecimento, os treinadores que reclamaram tanto também não estão isentos de culpa, já que são estes que mandam os seus ginastas aquecerem. É muito frequente vermos ginastas de escalões diferentes aquecerem em períodos que não lhes estão destinados.

Peter vinder sin 15. DM titel

Der var nok ikke mange der havde troet på, at Peter Jensen ikke skulle vinde sin femtende DM titel. Selvom han fik god konkurrence fra sin nærmeste konkurrent Christian Andersen, der satsede men kiksede, lå det i kortene, at Peter endnu engang skulle stå øverst på skamlen.
Peter Jensens imponerende rekord
Danmarksmestre i Trampolin herrer:
2013 Peter Jensen
2012 Peter Jensen
2011 Peter Jensen
2010 Peter Jensen 
Source/news: DGF

Youth Olympic Games 2018

Glasgow Youth Olyimpic Games 2018Glasgow's venue for Artistic, Rhythmic and Trampoline Gymnastics will be the spectacular new SECC National Arena. The Arena will also be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies.
 Designed by Foster + Partners, the SECC National Arena will host concerts and events, and will hold 8,000 spectators when set up for Gymnastics competition. When it opens in September 2013, the SECC National Arena will be the largest indoor entertainment venue in Scotland.
The main spectator entrance leads to the SECC Plaza with direct links to Exhibition Station offering frequent trains to Glasgow Central Station. Inside the venue, every spectator will enjoy an experience that feels personal and intimate, thanks to a design which provides the optimum balance of viewing angle and distance from the stage. Throughout the arena there will be five food and nine beverage outlets.
Source/ news:

Favoritensiege zum Abschluss

Martin Gromowski und Lara Hüninghake sind ihren Favoritenrollen gerecht geworden. Die beiden Trampolinturner siegten am Freitag, 24.05.2013 in der Einzelkonkurrenz in der Mannheimer Maimarkthalle.

Die Besten des Vorkampfes standen auch am Ende ganz oben auf dem Treppchen. Martin Gromowski (MTV Bad Kreuznach) siegte souverän vor Nick Nowak (THJ Salzgitter) und Daniel Schmidt (SC Itzehoe). Lara Hüninghake (THJ Salzgitter) setze sich gegen Sarah Eckes (MTV Bad Kreuznach) und deren Vereinskollegin Alexandra Kohler durch. Beide konnten somit ihre Titel aus dem Vorjahr verteidigen. 
Source/news: DTB

Burnett soars to seventh men’s trampoline title

Two-time Olympian Jason Burnett of Toronto soared to his seventh national trampoline title and Ellie Black of Halifax led the way in the women’s gymnastics on Saturday with three medals to cap a brilliant performance at the 2013 Canadian Gymnastics Championships.

Burnett, fully recovered from a broken leg and other injuries that have hampered the 2008 Olympic silver medallist over the last two years, dominated the men’s senior trampoline event with a score of 165.955.

Curtis Gerein of Kelowna, B.C., finished second with 147.845 points and Ian MacMullin of Halifax was third at 126.450.

Read the all article, here.

Source/news: Gymnastics Canada

Danskere i særklasse til DM i weekenden

I denne weekend (25. maj) samles de bedste senior trampolinspringere og tumblere i Odense. Der konkurreres i både individuelle konkurrencer og i synkron (trampolin).
Storfavoritten Peter Jensen glæder sig til muligheden for at sikre sig sin trettende DM titel i streg. Hans største konkurrent Christian Andersen, og det skal blive spændende at se, hvor meget Christian kan presse Peter. I synkron konkurrencerne springer Peter og Christian sammen, som udover muligheden for at genvinde DM-guldet, også er værdifuld træning inden *World Games.
På damesiden er Maila Walmod klar favorit til at tage guldet for sjette gang. Sportschef Henrik Bertelsen udtaler ’Maila kan ved at køre en sikker serie helt sikkert løbe med sejren, men da perspektivet om en OL plads i 2016 tæller højere, vil Maila satse med et nyt trippel-spring for at få mere erfaring med den svære øvelse’.
Source/news: DGF

Gymnasts set to take on the world!

Gymnastics Australia would like to congratulate the thirteen athletes, two coaches and two judges selected to represent Australia at the World Games 2013.
The World Games 2013 will take place from 24th July to 4th August, 2013 in Cali Columbia where Australia will be represented in Trampoline Gymnastics, Aerobic Gymnastics and Acrobatic Gymnastics by the following athletes:
- Double Mini-Trampoline Individual Men: Matthew Weal.
- Double Mini-Trampoline Individual Women: Emily O'Connor.
Source/news: GA

Milano - Il Corso Giudici di Trampolino Elastico

Venerdì 10 e sabato 11maggio si è svolto a Milano il primo corso giudici di Trampolino Elastico del nuovo quadriennio olimpico.
Organizzato in poco tempo, lo stage di aggiornamento italiano ha sostituito il corso internazionale previsto in questo periodo e rimandato dalla stessa FIG.
La Francesca Beltrami, l’unico giudice federale ad aver partecipato con successo al corso Intercontinentale, ha esposto ai colleghi le nuove interpretazioni del Codice, allo scopo di formare giudici regionali in grado di rispondere alla crescente richiesta, sempre più qualificata, del territorio e coloro che non erano ancora riusciti ad acquisire il brevetto nazionale.
Tanti i partecipanti, provenienti da tutta Italia e soprattutto dalle regioni più interessate al Trampolino Elastico.
Source/ news: FGI

Trampoline and Tumbling Awards Scholarships

USA Gymnastics gives out annual trampoline and tumbling scholarships to elite level trampoline and tumbling athletes based on a number of factors including: GPA, educational goals, prior competitive performance, financial need, athletic potential, leadership, reference letters and an essay. Some of the individual scholarships look for other specific characteristics.
USA Gymnastics recognizes that college-age athletes are essential to our international competitive standing. The scholarship fund was established 11 years ago in order to give these athletes every opportunity to meet the demands of higher education while still training and competing for the program. This year, the scholarships were given out at the U.S. Elite Challenge in Frisco, Texas. There is a five-member scholarship committee who evaluates the applications and presents the awards.
Below is a list of the 2013 award winners and information about the particular scholarship.
Source/article: USA Gymnastics

Schweizer Meisterschaften Trampolin

Die Schweizer Meisterschaften Trampolin (SM Trampolin) finden jährlich, in der Regel am ersten Juniwochenende, statt. Bis 2010 wurde die SM Trampolin gemeinsam mit der SM Rhythmische Gymnastik durchgeführt, seit 2011 sind dies zwei getrennte Anlässe.

Im Trampolinturnen entscheiden Bruchteile von Sekunden über Erfolg oder Misserfolg. Einmal falsch auf dem Sprungtuch aufgekommen oder nicht voll konzentriert, kann das schon zum Abbruch der Übung führen. Aus diesem Grund kann schon das Zuschauen ziemlich Nerven aufreibend sein.
Source/news: FSG

GymFinales 2013

Traditionnelle conclusion de la saison gymnique sur le plan national, les GymFinales voient s’affronter, chaque année, les deux meilleurs gymnastes par agrès ou par engin.

La 15e édition des GymFinales se déroulera au TopSporthal de Gand, le samedi 1er juin prochain.

La nouveauté cette saison, c’est l’apparition d’une compétition par équipe.
En effet, les différents gymnastes sélectionnés seront divisés en deux groupes : il y aura une équipe verte et une équipe bleue. Les notes des gymnastes et les applaudissements du public détermineront l’équipe victorieuse.
Source/ news: FfG

Treino Conjunto de Esperanças e Juniores em TR e DMT

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou a lista de ginastas convocados/convidados a integrarem o Treino Conjunto de Esperanças e Juniores em Trampolim e Duplo Mini Trampolim.
 Circular Treino Conjunto de Esperanças e Juniores

Fonte: FGP

2013 Tasmanian Championships

The Tasmanian Championships and Tassie Challenge were held last weekend at the State Gymnastics Centre in Kingston. Congratulations to all athletes! For the first time audiences were enthralled with the displays of Trampoline, Men's and Women's routines being displayed on the same weekend for this Tasmanian Championships. Please see the Gymnastics Tasmania Website for the full results and pictures from this event: Tasmanian Championships and Tassie Challenge were held last weekend at the State Gymnastics Centre in Kingston. Congratulations to all athletes! For the first time audiences were enthralled with the displays of Trampoline, Men's and Women's routines being displayed on the same weekend for this Tasmanian Championships.
Source: Gymnastics Tasmania


Trampoline Australian Olympian Ji Wallace

In this first episode of Speak Up With Jimmy, I talk with Ji Wallace, the 2000 Olympic silver medalist in trampoline from Australia. After coming out publicly as gay in 2005, Ji came out again last year as HIV-positive when he saw a TV interview with diver Greg Louganis during the 2012 London Olympics. In this episode Ji talks about running the L.A. marathon, online dating sites and speaking up for people who live with HIV/AIDS.
Source/article: SDGLN

Qatar Gymnastics Championships

Qatar Gymnastics federation organized 3 different local competitions last week which were the strongest local activity in this year.
The spectators were very happy to see these activity.
Trampoline Result : (Individual competition)

1st place : Sabina Mamataliev
2nd place : Shahad Al-Awamila.
3rd place : Mana Ahmed Al-Amri

All article, here.

Trampoline photos, here.

Source: QGF


Resultados Campeonato Nacional Trampolim 2013

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os resultados do Campeonato Nacional Trampolim e Tumbling, que se realizou no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém, no passado fim de semana.

Individual e Equipas

Poderá ver todas as fotos da competição, aqui.

Fonte: FGP

Apuramento Jogos Mundiais TRS

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular relativa ao apuramento para os  Jogos Mundiais - Cali/Colômbia 2013.

 Circular 133/2013 Apuramento Jogos Mundiais

Fonte: FGP

Campeonato Distrital de Mini-Trampoli - Algarve

ASSOCIAÇÃO DE GINÁSTICA DO ALGARVEA AGA divulgamou a Circular de Prova e Ordem de Passagem do Campeonato Distrital de Mini-Trampolim que se irá realizar no domingo, 26 de maio.
Fonte: AGA

Next generation begins push to next Olympics at 2013 Canadian gymnastics championships in Ottawa

With the next Summer Games just over three years away, the next generation of Olympic hopefuls will be looking to make their mark this year’s Canadian gymnastics championships May 17-25 in Ottawa,

Over 600 gymnasts competing in the three Olympic disciplines of artistic and rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline will be vying for national titles in various age groups.

This year’s women’s trampoline competition is expected to be wide open with Olympic champion Rosie MacLennan unlikely to compete because of an ankle injury and perennial Canadian champion Karen Cockburn taking time off to have a baby.

Ready to take up the slack in the senior competition are Samantha Sendel and Samantha Smith, both of Toronto, (Skyriders) while 2012 junior champion Lexi Geisbrecht of Calgary (Calgary Gymnastics Centre) is aiming for a second straight title.
Source/ article: Gymnastics Canada

‘Unstoppable’ Rosie MacLennan empowers girls to pursue the activities they love

Olympic trampoline champion Rosie MacLennan is helping to promote the “Girls Unstoppable” campaign designed to help raise awareness about body image among young women and encourage them to pursue the activities they love. The campaign grew out of research conducted by health and beauty products company Dove showing how six in 10 girls aged 10-17 have quit sports and other physical activities because of how they felt about their looks.

Full story in Yahoo Canada News
Source/ article: Gymnastics Canada

30th International Frivolten Cup

Trampoline Elite Squad Athlete Profile - Makonnen Brown

Read all about Makonnen, his interests and wonderful accomplishments over the years... We will be featuring all our Trampoline Elite Squad athlete profiles over the upcoming weeks.
Makonnen is built for the Double-Mini Tramp! After finishing in 1st place in the Under 15 Men’s DMT event at the 2012 Australian National Championships, he was named as part of the 2013 Junior National Squad. Makonnen more recently represented Australia for the first time at the 2012 Indo-Pacific Championships which was held at Sydney Olympic Park, making it through to the final round of competition in the Double-Mini event.
Source/ article: Trampoline Tasmania

Trampoline, tumbling and DMT tickets on sale now

Nathan Bailey Kat DriscollTickets for the 2013 Trampoline, tumbling and DMT British Championships from the LG Arena in Birmingham 6/7th July are now on sale.
Following regional gala events throughout the country the very best will be on display fighting for the highly coveted British titles with the championships heading for the first time to the 16,000 capacity LG Arena - one of the largest multi-purpose arenas in the UK.
Source/news: British Gymnastics

Campeonato Nacional Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular de prova atualizada do Campeonato Nacional Trampolim e Tumbling, que decorrerá no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém, nos dias 18 e 19 de maio de 2013.
Fonte: FGP
Campeonato Nacional de Trampolim e Tumbling 
18 e 19 de Maio -  Pavilhão Municipal Santarém

U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Team named for 2013 World Games

The U.S. Team for trampoline and tumbling for the 2013 World Games was announced at the conclusion at the 2013 U.S. Elite Challenge at the Dr Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas. Held in Cali, Colombia, July 25-Aug. 4, the World Games are the equivalent to the Olympic Games for events and disciplines that are not currently on the Olympic program. For trampoline and tumbling, the events are tumbling, synchronized trampoline and double mini-trampoline.

 The trampoline and tumbling members who will represent the USA at the World Games are listed below.
Source/news: USA gymnastics

BK Trampoline: Justine en Simon pakken de dubbel

Justine: Belgisch Kampioene trampoline individueel en synchroonDe beste Belgische trampolinespringers verzamelden vandaag, zaterdag 4 mei, in Mortsel voor de nationale titelstrijd. In de voormiddag stond de synchrooncompetitie op het programma en 's namiddags kwamen de individuele springers aan de beurt.

Justine Brodelet (Sterk en Lenig Drongen) wist in beide disciplines de nationale titel te veroveren. In het synchroonspringen sprong ze samen met clubgenoot Otillie Schelstraete vlot naar de overwinning. Diezelfde Ottilie bleef ze dan in de individuele wedstrijd voor. Het brons ging daar naar Margo Leman (Turnkring Ten Gaerde). Justine blijft dus een jaartje langer Belgisch kampioene!
Source/news: Gymnastiek Federatie

Résultats du week-end

Plusieurs compétitions se sont déroulées le week-end dernier.

TR/TU : Championnat de Belgique Les meilleurs trampolinistes et tumbleurs se sont réunis durant tout le week-end à Mortsel, dans les installations du club GymPlus.
Retrouvez dès à présent tous les résultats et classements sur notre site, dans la rubrique Résultats.

All article, here.
Source/news: FfG

Campeonato Nacional Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular de prova do Campeonato Nacional Trampolim e Tumbling, que decorrerá no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém, nos dias 18 e 19 de maio de 2013.
Fonte FGP

Opening Ceremony set to inspire gymnasts

No mega sporting event is complete without an Opening Ceremony and in our time we've seen a few.
Who can forget Cathy Freeman lighting the Olympic Flame at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games? Or the parachuting arrival of Her Majesty The Queen and James Bond into London’s 2012 Games stadium?

Now it's time for the 2013 Australian Gymnastics Championships Opening Ceremony. It will be a much more subdued affair with our own royalty and celebrity guests, super morphs, State representatives, flags and speeches to ignite the competitive spirit in all of us.
Just prior to the official commencement of competition, Session 1 on Sunday 7th July, on the very same surface set to receive tumbles, leaps, jumps and bounds, spins, balances and hundreds of judges' and coaches' footsteps bear witness to our Opening Ceremony. A proud nation made brighter by shining State lights, sending out the beams to all near and far to join the event.
Source: AG

World Games synchronized trampoline teams named at T&T's 2013 U.S. Elite Challenge

Three pairs of athletes – World Elite's Logan Dooley of Lake Forest, Calif., and Neil Gulati of Irvine, Calif., Charlotte Drury of Laguna Niguel, Calif./World Elite, and Shaylee Dunavin of Amarillo, Texas/All American Gymnastics, and Dakota Earnest of Tokio, Texas/Acrospirits, and Savannah Vinsant of Lafayette, La./T&T Express – earned spots to represent Team USA at the 2013 World Games today at the 2013 U.S. Elite Challenge at the Dr Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas. The three-day event showcases the USA's best in men's and women's trampoline, tumbling, synchronized trampoline and double mini-trampoline and will wrap up on May 5.
Source: USA Gymnastics

Rosie MacLennan visits Ottawa to launch final countdown to 2013 Canadian Championships

Olympic champion Rosie MacLennan made a whirlwind trip to Ottawa on Wednesday, May 1 to launch the final countdown to the upcoming Canadian Gymnastics Championships set to go at Carleton University May 17-25.

First stop for the indefatigable MacLennan, who somehow manages to combine her trampoline career with university studies, worldwide travel and an extensive schedule of public appearances, was the Ottawa Gymnastics Centre.

It didn’t take long for Rosie to get out on the mats with a group of toddlers and join in some gymnastics fun.

One TV cameraman said with a smile, “It doesn’t get any better than this for visuals,” as Rosie worked her magic with the kids with the local media on hand to capture it all for newspapers, TV and websites.
Source: Gymnastics Canada

Trampoline National Finals 2013

The Trampoline National Finals took place in Newry Leisure Centre on Sunday 28th April.
Gymnastics Ireland congratulate all the gymnasts who took part in the National finals. They all achieved a set qualifying score at competitions throughout the year to earn their place in the Finals. This is a great achievement and they all should be proud.
Source/news: Gymnastics Ireland

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica