Rebound Therapy Comes to PCYC Launceston

The first Tasmanian Rebound Therapy Course was run at PCYC Launceston on Saturday 8th June. Rebound Therapy was founded in 1972 by Eddy Anderson . Rebound Therapy uses trampolines to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across the whole spectrum of special needs.
7 enthusiastic participants underwent intensive training to become practitioners in RT under the guidance of Ty Swadling (Rebound Therapy course presenter from NSW). The day began with a theory session outlining the history of the Therapy and many of the programming issues that are particular to this kind of activity. Mid morning and for the rest of the course, it was hands on, with activites on the trampolines. The participants became not only the practitioners in training, but also the demonstrators for a wide range of activities that took us through many different scenarios.
Source/news: Gymnastics Tasmania

Meet trampoline & DMT rising star - Rhys Northover

rhys northover13 year old Rhys Northover recently completed a hat-trick of victories at the recent Bath Gala by winning Gold in individual trampoline, synchro trampoline - with partner Josh Newman - and in double-mini trampoline. The City of Liverpool gymnast is now part of the GBR junior high performance squad, regularly training alongside the senior trampoline stars at Lilleshall National Sports Centre.
With the 2013 British trampoline, tumbling and DMT championships just weeks away (6/7th July, LG Arena, Birmingham), we caught up with Rhys about his achievements to date and hopes for future.
Source/article: BG

Bundesliga Finale 2013

Die als Play-Off ausgetragene Deutsche Vereinsmeisterschaft als Endrunde der Trampolin Bundesliga Saison 2013, zeigte einmal mehr, dass erst mit der letzten Übung ein Wettkampf entschieden ist.

Nicht die den Vorkampf dominierenden und als Titelverteidiger gestarteten Frankfurt FLYERS sondern der Ausrichter TV Weingarten gewann am Ende etwas überraschend vor über 300 Zuschauern den Titel und feierte anschließend recht ausgiebig.

Nach Pflicht und Kür hatten sich die FLYERS einen respektablen Vorsprung erarbeitet, Hamburg fiel schon etwas zurück. Dahinter der MTV Stuttgart und der TV Weingarten gleichauf. Ausscheiden mussten dann nach dem Vorkampf der SV Brackwede sowie der SC Itzehoe.
Source/news: DTB

USA Committee members reelected

The Trampoline and Tumbling Elite Program Committee is made up of six members. Three voting members: Trampoline Coaches Representative, Double-Mini/Tumbling Coaches Representative, and the Trampoline & Tumbling Athlete Representative. Three non-voting members: Elite Committee Chair, Trampoline & Tumbling Program Director, and Trampoline and Tumbling Program Committee Chair.
The TTEPC is responsible for all athlete and coach selection procedures and policies, elite athlete training, development and support, annual review, revision, and submission of the Rules & Policies and the Code of Points pertaining to the Elite Program, and working closely with the Program Director.
Source/news: USA Gymnastics

Resultados Encontro Nacional de Infantis

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou os resultados do Encontro Nacional de Infantis 2013, que decorreu no dia 15 de junho no Pavilhão Municipal de Salvaterra de Magos.
 Resultados Encontro Nacional de Infantis

Fonte/notícia: FGP

Convocatória para estágio da Seleção Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a lista de ginastas convocados a participar no Estágio da Seleção Nacional de Esperanças e Juniores, nos dias 3, 4 e 5 de julho de 2013
O estágio decorrerá no Pavilhão Municipal de Santarém.

Fonte/notícia: FGP

Trampoline & tumbling gymnasts set for British battle

trampolineposter header
Trampoline, tumbling and DMT gymnasts from across the UK are readying themselves for the British Championships. Superhuman gymnastics skills will be required in order to rise above the competition and seal the British titles.

The British Championships take place over the weekend 6/7th July and this year for the first time take place at the magnificent 16,000 capacity LG Arena - one of the largest multi-purpose arenas in the UK - having previously been hosted at the nearby NIA.

Gymnasts have battled through regional galas to claim their places at the most prestigious event of the year and have earned their right to fight for podium places and British glory.
The weekend will see a feast of high quality non-stop gymnastics action.
Source/news: BG

Campeonato Nacional de Mini Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou circular referente ao Campeonato Nacional de Mini Trampolim 2013, que será disputado no próximo dia 29 de junho, em Setúbal no Pavilhão Municipal das Manteigadas.
Fonte:/notícia: FGP

Trampoline and Acrobatic Gymnastics super heroes unmasked

Gymnastics Australia has interviewed a series of established and emerging stars to help you to get to know the athletes representing your State at the 2013 Australian Gymnastics Championships.
Trampoline Gymnastics is set to kick off the 2013 Australian Gymnastics Championships in style. Reaching spectacular heights that would stagger the likes of Superman and the Silver Surfer, not only do Trampoline gymnasts fly high, they combine this with gravity defying twists and turns.

Sessions 1 and 2 will feature the amazing sport of Tumbling. Gymnasts who excel in the discipline of Tumbling are able to combine a high degree of spatial awareness with power, strength, coordination and courage, just like the Flash and Sonic the Hedgehog! Be sure to check out back to back incredible tumbling runs and let these athletes amaze you!
Source/news: GA

Besetzung für World Games

Nach dem Beschluss des DTB-Lenkungsstabes wurden am Mittwoch (19.06.2013) die deutschen Trampolinturner für die World Games in Cali (COL) nominiert.

Das Duo Martin Gromowski und Kyrylo Sonn (beide MTV Bad Kreuznach) wird bei den vom 25. Juli bis zum 5. August stattfindenden Spielen der nicht-olympischen Sportarten als einziges DTB-Team im Synchron-Wettbewerb an den Start gehen.

„Ich denke mit den Beiden geht ein starkes Synchron-Duo mit realistischen Medaillenchancen in Kolumbien ins Rennen“, erklärte DTB-Sportdirektor Wolfgang Willam. Im Synchronturnen der Frauen wie auch im Doppel-Mini-Tramp konnte die Norm für die Teilnahme an den World Games von keiner Athletin bzw. keinem Athleten erfüllt werden. Der DTB entsendet somit Athletinnen/ Athleten und Teams folgender Sportarten: Faustball, Korfball, Rhythmische Sportgymnastik (mit Laura Jung im Einzelwettbewerb) und Trampolinturnen in der Disziplin Synchron Männer. Im Faustball wird ebenfalls ein Team ins Rennen geschickt. Hier geht Deutschland als amtierender Weltmeister an den Start.
Source/news: DTB

Federação Portuguesa Cancela Estágio de DMT e TRI - Juniores e Esperanças

A FGP informou no seu site que os treinadores responsáveis pelas Seleções Nacionais de DMT e TRI, foram informados que foram cancelados os estágios de juniores e esperanças, previstos para 22 e 23 de junho. O cancelamento desta ação prende-se com razões logísticas e financeiras.
Fonte: FGP

Airdrie coach Jamie Atkin receives the Aaron Johnson’s T&T Program Service Award

The 44th Annual Gymnastics Canada Gymnastique (GCG) Annual General Meeting and Achievement Gala took place this past weekend in Ottawa, Ontario.  Many dedicated and hardworking individuals from Alberta, including coaches, athletes and volunteers, were honored at the Saturday evening Achievement Gala. Congratulations to the following people who received recognition at this event.
Source/news: AGF

La Cup

Première rencontre U-21 sur le nouveau code de pointage!
  • Vendredi 21 juin 2013 :
Arrivée des délégations
Entraînement possible dans la salle d'entraînement de 14h à 18h.
Repas de 18h à 20h.
  • Samedi 22 juin 2013: 
14h:  Compétition - Qualifications
  • Dimanche 23 juin 2013:
14h: Compétition - Finales

Source/news: FFG

Doping at Trampoline / Tumbling World Cup event

In the dispute between the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG), relating to the sanctions imposed on Russian gymnast Andrey Krylov, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has ruled in support of WADA. As a result, the athlete has been suspended for a period of two years, with the ban effective from October 01, 2012.
The gymnast was tested positive during an anti-doping control carried out during a Trampoline / Tumbling  Gymnastics World Cup Tournament in Loulé (POR) on September 08, 2012. The B sample analysis confirmed the presence of  banned stimulants .
Source/news: FIG

Resultados Festa Nacional da Ginástica 2013

Gymnasts confirmed for 2013 World Games

timthumbThe British team set to compete at the 2013 World Games in Cali (Colombia) has been finalised with synchronized trampoline, tumbling, double mini-trampoline and acrobatic gymnasts all chosen to compete in the multi-sport event from July 25th – August 11th.
The trampoline event will see Olympian Kat Driscoll pair up with her long term synchro partner Amanda Parker, with Luke Strong and Nathan Bailey in the men’s competition.
Source/news: BG

Schwabenpokal am Samstag

Aufgeteilt in zehn Wettkampfklassen – Jahrgang 2002 und jünger bis Jahrgang 1994 und älter – starten beim Nationalen Schwabenpokal am 15. Juni 2013 in Schwäbisch Gmünd mehr als 100 Trampolinturnerinnen und -turner.

Bei dem Trampolin-Turnier, das in der Großen Sporthalle in Schwäbisch Gmünd stattfindet, geht es für die Besten von ihnen auch um die begehrten WM-Plätze für die Weltmeisterschaften Anfang November in Sofia (Bulgarien). „In Schwäbisch Gmünd wird es eine erste Vorentscheidung geben, wer die Kandidaten für die WM im November sind“, sagt Trampolin-Cheftrainer Michael Kuhn. Und auch die Turner für die World Games – ein internationaler Wettkampf in Sportarten, die nicht zum Wettkampf-Programm der Olympischen Spiele gehören – werden auf das Trampolintuch steigen. Die World Games finden vom 25. Juli bis 4. August 2013 in Cali/Kolumbien statt.
Source/news : DTB

Trampoliner in Portugal am Start

Nur etwa zwei Wochen nach den Gerätturnern reisen die Trampolinturner des DTB ebenfalls nach Portugal. Für die Schützlinge von Cheftrainer Michael Kuhn steht zunächst am 05. und 06. Juli in Santarém ein internationales Turnier auf dem Programm, anschließend absolvieren die sieben Athleten ein Trainingslager am selben Ort bis zum 12. Juli.
Source/ news: DTB

Vachon, Smith set to lead powerhouse trampoline and tumbling squad to World Games in Colombia

Led by veterans Denis Vachon and Emily Smith, the Burlington BG's have developed into a tumbling and double mini trampoline powerhouse with an eye on taking the upcoming World Games in Colombia by storm.

At the recent Canadian Gymnastics Championships, Vachon won his fourth men's double mini crown with the best score of his career while Smith racked up her seventh national title in women's tumbling.

Read the all article, here.

Source/ article: Gymnastics Canada

Trampolin-BL: Vorrunde beendet

Mit dem Wettkampfwochenende am 8. Juni 2013 wurde die Vorrunde in der Trampolin Bundesliga Saison 2013 beendet.

In der Gruppe NORD liegt Hamburg vor Bielefeld und Itzehoe in Führung. Die Gruppe SÜD wird weiterhin durch Frankfurt angeführt, die beiden schwäbischen Vereine aus Stuttgart und Weingarten folgen.
Source: DTB

Resultados do Campeonato Brasileiro de Ginástica de Trampolim

Competição teve a participação de mais de 200 ginastas, em Itabira (MG)
Itabira (MG) recebeu até o último sábado (1º) o Campeonato Brasileiro de Ginástica de Trampolim por Idades, que contou com cerca de 200 atletas de várias partes do País. Eles fizeram bonito nas modalidades Trampolim, Double Mini Trampolim, Tumbling e Sincronizado, nas categorias Pré-Infantil, Infantil, Infanto Juvenil, Juvenil e Adulto.
Na modalidade Trampolim Individual, a única presente nos Jogos Olímpicos, a medalha de ouro foi para Carlos Ramires Pala, no masculino, e Camila Gomes, no feminino. Nas demais categorias, os campeões foram: Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva (Juvenil Masculino), Letícia Ezawa (Juvenil Feminino), Lucas Júnior Tobias (Infanto Juvenil Masculino), Alice Hellem Gomes (Infanto Juvenil Feminino), Vitor Ferreira Camargo (Infantil Masculino), Bárbara Costa de Maria (Infantil Feminino), Davi Eduardo de Souza (Pré-Infantil Masculino) e Maria Eduarda Pina Lage (Pré-Infantil Feminino).
Fonte/notícia: CBG

9th World Games begin July 25

On July 25, the 9th World Games will kick off in Cali, Colombia. Governed by the International World Games Association (IWGA) and recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the World Games, which provide an atmosphere similar to the Olympic Games for non-Olympic sports and disciplines, are held every four years in the year following the Olympic Games. The top athletes from 38 sports will compete during the 11 days in Cali and two other municipalities in the Cauca Valley in western Colombia.
Gymnastics, one of the major sports featured at the World Games, has four disciplines (including rhythmic, trampoline and tumbling, and acrobatic) that represent a total of 22 medal events. The gymnastics events will be held at the El Pueblo Coliseum, which opened in 1971 for the Pan American Games and is located in the southwest part of Cali.
Tumbling and individual and synchronized trampoline have been included in the World Games since the event debuted in 1981 in Santa Clara, Calif. Double mini-trampoline was added to the World Games in 2001. Individual trampoline joined the Olympic Games program in 2000, which resulted in its removal from the World Games.
A total of 88 male and female competitors will participate in trampoline and tumbling in Cali: 48 athletes, synchronized trampoline; 20, double-mini; and 20, tumbling. The preliminary rounds qualify the top eight ranked gymnasts or pairs with a maximum of one per federation and discipline for the finals. The competing athletes qualified at the 2011 World Championships in Birmingham, Great Britain.
Source/article: USA Gymnastics

Encontro Infantis, Saltitões e Cangurus 2013

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular referente ao Encontro de Infantis, Saltitões e Cangurus 2013 de Ginástica de Trampolins, que terá lugar a 15 e 16 de junho, em Salvaterra de Magos.

Circular Encontro de Infantis
Circular Encontro Saltitões e Cangurus

Source: FGP

Teil II der Trampolin-Bundesliga

Am ersten Juniwochenende 2013 begann der zweite Teil der Vorrunde in der Trampolin Bundesliga, die bedingt durch das Internationale Deutsche Turnfest im Mai unterbrochen wurde.

In der Gruppe NORD liegt Hamburg vor Bielefeld in Führung, um Platz drei gibt es einen Zweikampf zwischen Itzehoe und Düsseldorf. Die Gruppe SÜD wird weiterhin durch Frankfurt angeführt, die beiden schwäbischen Vereine aus Stuttgart und Weingarten folgen.
Source/news: DTB

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica