Constituição da Seleção Nacional para o Campeonato da Europa

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a constituição da Seleção Nacional para o Campeonato da Europa de Trampolins que se realizará de 07 a 13 de abril de 2014, em Guimarães.
 Constituição da Seleção Nacional

Fonte: FGP

Test de sélection au Championnat d'Europe de Trampoline ce week-end

L’Équipe de France de Trampoline Junior et Senior a rendez-vous à Antibes ce week-end pour un test sélectif pour les prochains Championnats d'Europe.

Read all article, here.

Source: FFG

2014 Trampoline Gymnastics African Championships relocated to Namibia

The African Gymnastics Union (UAG) informed on Monday that the 2014 African Championships in Trampoline, Tumbling, Double Mini-trampoline and Aerobic Gymnastics will be relocated to Namibia. Originally scheduled to take place in Cairo, Egypt from April 19 – 25, the championships have been postponed to April 22 - 27. The host city of the championships in Namibia has not been confirmed yet.
Source: FIG

Brindisi - I salti nel Sole del Trampolino Azzurro

Il podio "alla milanese" del Campionato di Società TEUn sole primaverile e l'impeccabile organizzazione della Società Ginnastica Brindisi accolgono gli atleti delle squadre partecipanti alla prima prova del Campionato Nazionale per Società di Trampolino Elastico. La classifica, ancora in attesa di omologazione, vede al comando la Squadra A della Milano 2000 con il totale di 249.885, seguita dalla squadra B meneghina con 229.225 e dai padroni di casa della Ginnastica Brindisi con 228.190.
Source: FGI

Eager selected as Double Mini Trampoline National Coach

toby eager1British Gymnastics announce the appointment of Toby Eager as Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) National Coach. Toby is a member of the trampoline, tumbling and double mini trampoline Technical Committee and has an experienced background as gymnast and coach in both trampoline and DMT. He has coached at an elite level for several years and shadowed former National Coach, Nick Earle at the 2013 World Championships in Bulgaria where the British team won two medals and qualified for three finals.
Source: BG

Jugendländerkampf im Trampolinturnen

Der deutsche Trampolinnachwuchs ist mit einem zweiten Gesamtrang beim Jugendländerkampf am 15. Februar in Aigle (Schweiz) in das Wettkampfjahr 2014 gestartet.

Nach durchwachsenen Leistungen und zahlreichen neuen Übungsinhalten, denen es vor allem an Stabilität mangelte, mussten sich die verletzungsgeschwächten DTB- Talente mit insgesamt 971,040 Punkten den Gastgebern (994,835P.) geschlagen geben. Dritter wurde deutlich abgeschlagen Frankreich mit 892,345 Punkten.
Source: DTB

A special show in Katara for gymnastics

A special demonstration and nice show was performed in Katara in the Sport national Day from  Our national teams and the kids who participated in the gymnastics show which was planned by Qatar Gymnastics Federation.
A large number of audience watching the show and had a great emotion and responding for the show, The audience asked to see again the show , and the teams repeated the show as a reply for the applause from the audience.
Source: QGF

L'Equipe de France de Trampoline en Suisse pour un tournoi Suisse / France / Allemagne

L'Equipe de France de Trampoline en Suisse pour un tournoi Suisse / France / Allemagne par FFG
Du 14 au 16 février, l’Équipe de France de Trampoline se rend à Aigle, en Suisse, pour y prendre part à un tournoi avec ses homologues suisses et allemandes.Infos sur la compétition
Lieu de la compétition
Centre Mondial du Cyclisme
1860 Aigle (Suisse)
  • Vendredi 14 février
    Arrivée des délégations
    14h-17h30: Entraînement libre
    19h-21h: Entraînement libre
  • Samedi 15 février
    9h30-12h15: Concours individuel & équipe - Junior
    15h-16h45: Concours synchronisé
    Cérémonie protocolaire
  • Dimanche 16 février
    Départ des delegations
All article, here.
Source: FFG 

Resultados da Prova Qualificativa de DMT e do Apuramento para o CE de Trampolins

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou os resultados da Prova Qualificativa de Duplo Mini-Trampolim e do Apuramento para o Campeonato da Europa de Trampolins.
Fonte: FGP

Morris bounces into retirement

Following thirteen years of training and competing at the highest level, Trampoline Gymnastics star Will Morris has formally announced his retirement from the sport. Morris has much to be proud of in his sporting career, walking away from Trampoline Gymnastics with his head held high, he is set to pursue new challenges outside of Gymnastics. Having represented Australia at two World Championships, Morris was also a member of the London 2012 Olympic Games Shadow Squad and competed at numerous World Cup events.
Source: GA

Trampolino Elastico – Giuseppe Cocciaro nuovo DTN

Cocciaro con il Presidente Agabio (Foto D. Ciaralli)Giuseppe Cocciaro è il nuovo Direttore Tecnico Nazionale del Trampolino Elastico dal 1° gennaio di quest’anno. Cocciaro, nativo di Porto San Giorno, ex Consigliere Nazionale FGI in quota tecnici per il quadriennio 2008 - 2012.
Source: FGI

Antrim Trampoline Qualifier Schedule

The 2014 Antrim Trampoline Qualifier takes place in the Antrim Forum on Saturday February 2nd, 2014.
The final schedule for the competition is available here: 2014 Antrim Trampoline Qualifer. The competition begins at 2pm.
Source: Gymnastics Ireland

Registration open for 2014 Camp Wakeshma

It's finally here! Today is the day registration opens for Camp Wakeshma. This awesome camp will be held August 3-9, 2014. The top of the list for summer fun and training for T&T athletes and coaches of all ages and levels. This camp now entering it's tenth year makes it possible for T&T athletes to get college scholarships and attend the college of their choice. Sign up today and experience what can only be found at our very own Camp Wakeshma! Click here for all the details.
Source: USA Gymnastics

2ª prova de apuramento para o Campeonato da Europa – TRI

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a circular com as informações relativas à segunda prova de apuramento para o Campeonato da Europa,  que se realiza em St. Estevão no dia 2 de Fevereiro.

  2ª Prova de apuramento TRI - Juniores Femininos
  2ª Prova de apuramento TRI - Juniores Masculinos
  2ª Prova de apuramento TRI - Seniores Femininos
  2ª Prova de apuramento TRI - Seniores Masculinos
  Circular da 2ª prova de apuramento TRI

Fonte: FGP

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica