2011 UEG summer Training Camps

Every year, at the approach of the summer, the UEG emphasizes its Training Camps organized in the different disciplines and which are necessary for the development of European gymnastics.
The objective is to create during a few days and in a favourable context a real and good collaboration between experts, coaches, gymnasts and to favour and promote the exchange of experience between the participants.
06th – 13th August 2011 : Training Camp TRAMPOLINE – TUMBLING – MINI-TRAMPOLINE TRA – Gillingham/GBR

Nominative entry : 06.06.2011
The inscriptions must be sent within the fixed deadlines to the following address:UEG Secretariat, P.O. Box 188, CH - 1000 Lausanne 6, Fax +41-21-613.73.31 and E-mail address: info@ueg.org
O. Do Rosario / UEG

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica