UEG Events Sanctions

The UEG wants to inform its Member Federations that due to negative experiences at former events the UEG Executive Committee has made the following decision at its last meeting held in Lausanne, on January 27th and 28th, 2012, in case a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device should be used during the European Championships: If a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device should be used on the field of play during the entire competitions of the European Championships, the person concerned (gymnast, coach, etc.) will be immediately expelled. The gymnasts will not be ranked and will not be authorised to participate in the remaining competitions. If this rule is violated by a coach, all his gymnast will also be expelled ! Please note that this decision will be applied for the first time at the European Championships Trampoline, Tumbling and Double Mini-Tramp 2012 in St. Petersburg.

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica