Trampoline History

As an officer in the Naval Pre-Flight Training Program, George demonstrates the trampoline to a group of his cadets at St. Marys California, 1942.
Foto: As an officer in the Naval Pre-Flight Training Program, George demonstrates the trampoline to a group of his cadets at St. Marys California, 1942.
In the Fall of 1940, George Nissen and Xave Leonard, had visited several military bases where they had demonstrated the trampoline as a new and unique method for physical fitness training. They had made visits and given demonstrations at Randolph Field in San Antonio, Texas, Corpus Christi, Fort Benning Georgia and Pensacola Naval Training Center.
In mid-Spring of 1941, an order for 30 trampolines was received by George from the United States Navy. He was also given priority papers to purchase the steel tubing he would need in their manufacture. Thirty trampolines at that time was a big order and George would do everything in his power to fulfill the commitment. 
He did however visit the Navy recruiting office in the Spring of 1942 and enlist in the Navy with application for the Navy Pre-Flight Training Program. He was accepted at that time but he would be given a temporary deferment until the Navy's order for trampolines was completed.
In the Fall of 1940, George Nissen and Xave Leonard, had visited several military bases where they had demonstrated the trampoline as a new and unique method for physical fitness training. They had made visits and given demonstrations at Randolph Field in San Antonio, Texas, Corpus Christi, Fort Benning Georgia and Pensacola Naval ...Training Center.
In mid-Spring of 1941, an order for 30 trampolines was received by George from the United States Navy. He was also given priority papers to purchase the steel tubing he would need in their manufacture. Thirty trampolines at that time was a big order and George would do everything in his power to fulfill the commitment. 
Source/Post: Trampoline Diva

Stage Jeunesses Filles de Trampoline à Rennes du 3 au 6 mars.

Le Pôle de Rennes accueillera du 3 au 6 mars prochain le stage Trampoline Jeunesse filles.
Valérie Chapon et Christine Blaise encadreront les gymnastes suivant.

Read the all article, here.

Source FFG

Stage Juniors Garçons de trampoline à Rennes

Du 3 au 6 mars, le pôle France de Rennes accueillera les Juniors en Trampoline.
La gym qualité, c'est  dans un club FFG. Fédération francaise de gymnastiqueValérie Chapon et Sébastien Jarry encadreront les juniors à Rennes lors du regroupement en Trampoline.
Source FFG

Stage Trampoline Jeunesse à la Seyne sur Mer

Du mercredi 27 février au vendredi 1 mars, les meilleurs trampolinistes français se retrouveront à la Seyne-sur-Mer pour un stage Jeunesse.
La gym qualité, c'est  dans un club FFG. Fédération francaise de gymnastiqueLa Seyne-sur-Mer accueillent en ce moment le stage jeunesse en trampoline féminin et masculin. Ils seront encadrés par Sébastien Jarry, Fabrice Hennique et Julie Perreten.

All article, here.

Source FFG

Atletas apurados do Campeonato Distrital para o Campeonato Nacional de DMT

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a lista de ginastas com apuramento direto para o Campeonato Nacional de DMT e TUM, após a obtenção dos mínimos exigidos nos Campeonatos Distritais.
Fonte FGP

Trampoline History


Jean Mackenzie, Secretary at Nissen Trampoline Co., Ltd., London, England, sends off another order to Canada. 1957

Newsletter #3 (Sept 1, 1957) posted at: 

Jean Mackenzie, Secretary at Nissen Trampoline Co., Ltd., London, England, sends off another order to Canada. 1957

Newsletter #3 (Sept 1, 1957) posted at:

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Setúbal

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Setúbal - Setúbal, PortugalNuma altura em que nos debatemos com sérias dificuldades na formação dos painéis de Juízes das diversas disciplinas da ginástica, a AGDS foi às bases trabalhar com alunos e desenvolver, em parceria com o Desporto Escolar, uma ação de formação de Juízes.

Com o objetivo de dar uma maior credibilidade e responsabilidade aos Juízes dos próximos momentos competitivos a nível escolar, a formação incidiu sobre as áreas da Acrobática; Trampolins; Ginástica de Grupo; Ginástica Artística e ARE.
Foto: Numa altura em que nos debatemos com sérias dificuldades na formação dos painéis de Juízes das diversas disciplinas da ginástica, a AGDS foi às bases trabalhar com alunos e desenvolver, em parceria com o Desporto Escolar, uma ação de formação de Juízes.

Com o objetivo de dar uma maior credibilidade e responsabilidade aos Juízes dos próximos momentos competitivos a nível escolar, a formação incidiu sobre as áreas da Acrobática; Trampolins; Ginástica de Grupo; Ginástica Artística e ARE.

Um trabalho em parceria com a professora Ana Cristina Rodrigues (Professora da Equipa de Apoio da modalidade de Desportos Gimnicos e Atividades Rítmicas Expressivas) coordenado pela Juiz Carla Andrade (Coordenadora da comissão de ajuizamento da AGDS). 

A Formação, neste primeiro momento, ficou a cargo da Juiz Rute Simão ( Vice-Presidente Desportivo da AGDS) e Carla Andrade.

Foi com muito gosto que encarámos este desafio e será com muito gosto que lhe daremos continuidade num futuro próximo.

Veja a notícia na íntegra, aqui.

Fonte/notícia AGDS

Torneio Mestre Sammer 2013

Torneio Mestre Sammer 2013A cidade carnavalesca de Torres Vedras, foi este sábado palco do 9º Torneio Mestre Josef Sammer.
Uma prova carismática na gíria dos trampolins, designadamente, nos aparelhos de Duplo-Mini Trampolim e Tumbling, a qual teve a presença de atletas como Bruno Nobre (mais uma vez vencedor, e em grande forma), Ana e Andreia Robalo, Joana Pereira (infelizmente muito abaixo de forma, mas sempre com a sua tão conhecida aura positiva e espírito de entreajuda para com os colegas), e outros.

Em suma, esta prova serviu para os ginastas colocarem em prova as suas séries, e para arriscarem um pouco mais na dificuldade em prol da execução.

Ireland - Results from the weekend's TRA event.

Gymnastics Ireland would like to say a big thank you to all the gymnasts, coaches, judges, parents and volunteers for making the two events a success. And an especially big thank you to the event organisers Tom Dillon (MAG) and Les Culliton (TRA).
To see the results from the Trampoline Cork Qualifier click here.
The updated standing list for the Trampoline Grand prix is also available. Click here to see the current positions.

Source/news GI

Atualização de Manual de Trampolins 2012-2013

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou o Manual de Ginástica de Trampolins 2012-2013 atualizado, com a alteração da área de receção do Duplo Mini Trampolim, cumprindo o atual código de pontuação FIG 2013-2016.
Fonte FGP

Prova Qualificativa DMT / TUM – Quotas de Participação para o Campeonato Nacional

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou a circular com as informações referentes às quotas de participação para o Campeonato Nacional 2013 nas especialidades de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling.
Fonte FGP

Dmitri’s Miller Plus

Dmitri’s Miller Plus
Six-time World Trampoline Champion Dmitri Poliaroush from Belarus was the first athlete to perform the Miller Plus, a quad-twisting double-back, in competition. He did it in the finals of the 1991 European Trampoline Championships in Posnan, Poland. The Miller Plus is also known as the Poliaroush, named after Dmitri, and on rare occasions it’s called the Killer.
By in Trampoline Pundit


TOF - Terminaram os testes de um novo TOF. Desenvolvido em Portugal para a vertente de treinos nesta primeira fase. Display que permite a sua visualização a 10 metros em tempo real, comando remoto com fios ou sem fios. contagem de saltos, total da serie ou parcial salto a salto. Em breve entrará em fase de comercialização. — em Gimno Desportivo De Santarem.

Stage d'évaluation pour le collectif féminin à Rennes

Le collectif féminin de Trampoline est en stage d'évaluation, du 22 au 25 février 2013. C'est l'occasion pour les trampolinistes de voir où elles en sont en vue de la préparation des futures compétitions et notamment des Jeux Mondiaux.
Source/news FFG

Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou as informações relativa aos alojamentos e refeições, disponibilizados pela AGA, para o Campeonato Nacional de Duplo Mini Trampolim, que será organizado na cidade de Loulé, nos dias 23 e 24 de março de 2013.
Fonte FGP


After 30 entries, 100 tricks and over 14,028 views and likes – the day we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. Vuly are proud to announce the winners of our Defy Gravity Challenge of 2013!

Read all, here.

Source Vuly

Aalsmeer Flower Cup 2013

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou a composição da delegação portuguesa que irá participar na Aalsmeer Flower Cup (Holanda) nos dias 16 e 17 de março de 2013.
Fonte FGP

Apuramentos WG e CM & Novo Código de Pontuação 2013-2016

Informações Desempate para Apuramentos WG e CM & Novo Código de Pontuação 2013-2016

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou um conjunto de informações relativas à disciplina de Ginástica de Trampolins: Critérios de desempate para Apuramentos WG e CM & Novo Código de Pontuação 2013-2016.
Fonte FGP

Great Britain is best student for FIG

FIG hands out sport awards
The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has published a list of its most commendable federations with regard to the newly defined quality standards designed to reward the most diligent among them.

By way of the initiative, the FIG invites its members not only to take part in its international competitions, but also to respect certain administrative obligations, such as deadlines, and to encourage greater athlete participation in the daily doings of their respective federations.

For the 2012 fiscal year, British Gymnastics sits at the top, followed by the National Gymnastics Federations of Belarus, 2nd, and France in 3rd.These federations are awarded CHF 15,000, 12,500 and 10,000 respectively. Russia, 4th, and Germany, 5th, are also the recipients of CHF 7,500 and 5,000 respectively.
All article, here.
Source/news FIG

USA Gymnastics launches pilot program to help clubs develop curriculum opportunities

Ten U.S. clubs will have the opportunity to participate in a new program to help clubs increase enrollment, further develop their class offerings, and offer a fun transition for current students who are looking to diversify. Trampoline gained a lot of exposure leading up to and during the 2012 Olympic Games in London, and triggered interest in the sport. USA Gymnastics' Trampoline and Tumbling Program is launching a pilot program to incorporate competitive trampoline into the curriculum in gyms across the nation and to expand its Olympic pipeline.
"Trampoline is gaining in popularity and is a natural addition to the classes offered at gymnastics clubs," said Susan Jacobson, director of USA Gymnastics trampoline and tumbling program. "Kids love bouncing, and trampoline combines traditional gymnastics moves with the 'wow' factor that kids enjoy."
USA Gymnastics Trampoline and Tumbling will identify 10 gymnastics clubs in 2013-14 to participate in the pilot program and become Trampoline Development Centers. In 2013, clubs may apply by either March 1 or July 1 to be among the first four clubs selected. In 2014, three clubs will be chosen following the two deadline dates, March 1 and July 1.
Source/news USA Gymnastics

Qualificativa DMT / TUM: Ordens de Passagem

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal divulgou as Ordens de Passagem relativos à Prova Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling, que será organizada nos próximos dias 2 e 3 de março, no Centro de Alto Rendimento da Anadia.
Fonte/notícia FGP

Programme technique Div. 1-2-3-4

La version définitive du programme technique TR Div. 1-2-3-4 (Février 2013) est à présent disponible.

Vous pouvez le télécharger directement dans l’Espace Clubs (TR / Programmes techniques). Dans même onglet,
vous pouvez également consulter la note de clarification du règlement FIG 2013-2016.
Source FfG

FIG News

The FIG relates information and decisions taken by its Executive Committee during its ordinary meeting on February 14 - 16, 2013 at the Federation's Head Office in Lausanne (SUI):
All article, here.

Source FIG

AGA - Campeonato Distrital de TRI e TRS e Torneio de Iniciação de TRI resultados

A AGA publica os resultados do Campeonato Distrital de TRI e TRS e Torneio de Iniciação de TRI, realizados no sábado, 16 de fevereiro, provas organizadas pela Associação de Pais e Amigos da Ginástica de Loulé em parceria com a Associação de Ginástica do Algarve. Tal como já vem sendo hábito, tratou-se de mais uma boa organização por parte da APAGL.
Fonte/notícia AGA

Vuly Heroes….meet Anna!

Anna Dogonadze and Joe AndonIntroducing the newest edition to our Vuly Heroes….meet Anna! Anna Dogonadze is Germany’s Women’s Trampoline champion having won countless World Championships and taken home a gold medal in the 2004 Athen’s Olympic Games.
Source/news Vully

Spirit - Coaches Wanted

Spirit Gymsports are looking for experienced and reliable coaches for their Gymnastics programs in the metropolitan area.

Spirit is currently looking for:

  • An experienced Trampoline coach to take on our trampoline program, 2-6hrs a week
  • A Rhythmic coach, 5 hrs a week
  • A General Gymnastics coach, 2-8hrs a week
  • A Cheerleading coach, 2-5 hrs a week.
The Positions are available for an immediate start.
Spirit is looking for individuals with high energy, enthusiasm and motivation and commitment to coaching gymnastics.

Source/news GA

Algerian Gymnastics takes off

The General Assembly of the Algerian Gymnastics Federation (FAG) convened for its ordinary session on Saturday, February 9, 2013 in Algiers (ALG) to study and approve the Activities and Financial Reports for 2012, as well as the 2009 – 2012 cycle.

Despite unfavourable weather conditions, including blocked road access, heavy rain and snow, 55 of 79 delegates answered the call of FAG President, Dr Idris Khodja Abdelkrim. Among the members present, two observers from the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Mr Cherak and Mr Amraoui, MJS deputy directors, as well as Accounts Auditor, Mr Akli Toudert, attended.

Reports revealed a significant increase of 81.81% in wilaya, or territories, from the eleven in 2008, bringing the number to twenty in 2012. The number of licensed gymnasts went from 4,021 in 2008 to 6,278 in 2012; an increase of 56.13%.

The number of athletes participating in national competitions has also soared. From 422 in 2008 to 863 in 2012, a 104.50% increase was recorded. More than twenty up and coming gymnasts joined the national teams in their respective specialties, obtaining results in a variety of international competitions.

These national teams all took part in international competitions on the programme, and brought home continental and Arab-wide titles and medals: 16 Gold, 21 Silver and 9 Bronze in 2012.

The 2012 Report and 2009-2012 Cycle were approved by a large majority, with one opposed and four void ballots.
Source/news FIG

Bounce into focus to aid charity

AMATEUR bouncers from Swindon are invited to submit a photograph of themselves making a shape on a trampoline to be in with the chance of fronting a national campaign.
The ‘Get Britain Bouncing’ initiative is looking for a youngster to provide the shape for the campaign, which promotes trampolining while helping to raise funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
Martin Schofield, chief executive officer of Super Tramp, which is supporting the campaign, said: “The shape could be jumping, standing or even lying, but it must be on a trampoline.”
Sourece/news swindonadvertiser

AGU EC Meeting in Bali Indonesia

AGU EC Meeting Bali - INA 2013The first AGU EC meeting of the year 2013 was organised on February 2nd, 2013 in Bali – Indonesia with the presence of all the EC Members

Mr. Al-Shathri – AGU President takes the opportunity to extend his sincere thanks and gratitude, especially to the President of the Federation Dr. Ir. Waluyo, and the Secretary General Mr. Yudi Utomo, and of course all the people associate to this federation for the invitation of the Indonesian Gymnastics Federation to this meeting. He also congratulate the Resounding and fantastic success of the AGU representatives during last FIG Congress held in Cancun (MEX) in October 2012 who became a FIG authority members which showed great solidarity despite the absence of the third of the affiliated federations. This is a historic success for Asia representatives to be present in the different position in the FIG.
Source/news AGU

Tres especialitats per als 16 i 17 de febrer

La tercera especialitat ve de la ma de la primera fase de la Copa Catalana de Trampolí, Minitramp i Doble minitramp, que tindrà lloc a les instal.lacions de l’INEF de BARCELONA diumenge 17, i que compta amb la participació entre nois i noies de 76 gimnastes.
Fonte FCG

Newsletter online


Source FfG

Great Romanian gymnastics champions in the Relay of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival

The Olympic Flame, one of the symbols of the modern Olympic Games, was lit again in Olympia for one of the most important winter event: the EYOF, a biennial sport event for talented young participants from all over Europe.
In 1990, under the initiative of Dr. Jacques Rogge, IOC President, the European Olympic Committees launched the "European Youth Olympic Days" (EYOD), now called “European Youth Olympic Festival” (EYOF which means “European Youth Olympic Festival”), the only multi-sport event of this Continent. This event has a summer – with gymnastics as the main sport of the Program - and a winter edition.
The EYOF 2013 winter edition will take place in mid-February; this will be the first major competition organized in Romania under the Olympic flag.
The EYOF was founded on the basis of the Olympic legacy: a philosophy that elevates the qualities of the body, willpower and spirit and combines them. Sport is connected to culture and education, leading to the Olympic Values: friendship, respect and excellence.
Source/news UEG

FIG Academy Programme under review

A two-week series of meetings held between January 29 and February 12, 2013, at the FIG Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) reviewed all aspects of the FIG Academy and Age Group Programmes.
Each of the meetings was led by FIG 1st Vice President Slava Corn (CAN) who has the responsibility for the FIG Executive Committee to oversee the education programmes and by Hardy Fink, the Director of FIG Education and Academy Programmes. Also attended part-time was Olivia Bille Peña, the Manager of FIG Education Programmes. Meetings with the review groups for the individual disciplines were held for those disciplines which had changed sufficiently in technical or Code of Points requirements that these needed to be studied for implementation within the coach education programmes.
Source/news FIG

Entrenan gimnastas de Chile y Colombia en Veracruz!

imageCon el objetivo de tener un mejor intercambio de técnicas, un grupo de dos gimnastas de Colombia y Chile, realizarán un intenso campamento de preparación en el Global Gymnastics Center de Veracruz.

Lo anterior fue informado por Aldo Barborini, entrenador de la modalidad de gimnasia de trampolín, quien dijo que los gimnastas sudamericanos que estarán en Veracruz son Haiber Steven Giraldo de 20 años de edad y originario de Villavicencio, Colombia, además de Fabián Sepúlveda Galleguillos de 15 años de edad y que proviene de Santiago de Chile.

Este Campamento se desarrollará en la ciudad de Veracruz y constaá de 6 a 8 horas intensivas de trabajo diarias, repartidas en 2 turnos.

El objetivo del encuentro será para Haiber Steven Giraldo mejorar su técnica e intentar acceder a la selección de su país.
Fonte/notícia por Miguel Scagno/Notiver
Fotos: Notiver

Youth Olympic Games

BREAKING YOG NEWS: Buenos Aires (ARG), Glasgow (GBR) and Medellin (COL) were today shortlisted as Candidate Cities for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. The final decision will be taken in July.
Foto: We ♥ Youth Olympic Games
Source YOG

Northampton trampolinist injured during Britain’s Got Talent audition

Air Gravity pictured performing on ITV's Let's Get GoldA member of a gymnastic group from Northampton has been injured during an audition for Britain’s Got Talent.
Air Gravity, who train at Benham Sports Club in Moulton Park, auditioned for the national talent show in Birmingham on Sunday hoping to impress a judging panel including Simon Cowell.
The group of six trampolinists, including former Olympian Jaime Moore and British Champion James Higgins, as well as Steve Walsh, Oly Boag, Amanda Harris and Penny Mitchell, performed an act which featured daring leaps between trampolines.
But during one tricky manoeuvre, a male member of the team mistimed a flip and crashed down, suffering a dislocated shoulder.
Source/news Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Nat Gymnastics Week

AGA - Torneio de Iniciação de Trampolim Individual

A AGA Publicou a Circular e a Ordem de Passagem do Torneio de Iniciação de Trampolim Individual.

Consultar, aqui.

Fonte AGA

Summer camp coach needed at Dublin City University

Dublin City University are looking gymnastics coaches for a summer camp from 1st July – 9th August 2013.

The coach would instruct a group of up to 30 children.
The group’s own coaches would also be present to assist supervise so if there were 30 children there would be 3 coaches plus the gymnastics coach.
Read the all article, here.

Source Gymnastics Ireland

Cartão de Filiado e Amigos da Ginástica

Ao subscrever o cartão Amigos da Ginástica ganha acesso automático a vários descontos em serviços e produtos de destaque, úteis no seu dia-a-dia. A partir de hoje, os Amigos da Ginástica têm também acesso gratuito às competições nacionais, organizadas pela FGP.

Subscrever, aqui.
Fonte FGP
Nice Mousies and Moooouuuuuseeeepaaaaads! Special combo offer in the fanshop!

Prova Qualificativa DMT / TUM

A Federação de Ginástica de Portugal publicou a circular da Prova Qualificativa de Duplo Mini Trampolim e Tumbling, que será organizada no Centro de Alto Rendimento da Anadia, nos dias 2 e 3 de março.
Fonte FGP

Resultados TR e TRS Distrital Coimbra

Já se encontram disponiveis os resultados do distrital de TR e TRS realizado em Coimbra.

Associação de Ginástica do Distrito de Coimbra - Coimbra, PortugalConsulte, aqui.

Fonte AGDC


Änderungen Wettkampfzeiten Trampolin

Die Terminierung der Trampolinwettkämpfe im Rahmen des Internationalen Deutschen Turnfestes musste aufgrund der Gegebenheiten noch einmal überarbeitet bzw. angepasst werden.

Der AK hat versucht im Sinne der Aktiven sowie der übergeordneten organisatorischen und strukturellen Vorgaben (u.a. feuerpolizeiliche Auflagen) eine einvernehmliche Lösung zu finden, so dass für alle Wettkämpfe die bestmöglichen Bedingungen geschaffen wurden.

Auftakt der Trampolinwettkämpfe am Sonntag, den 19. Mai in der Hockeyhalle in Mannheim werden die Doppel-Mini-Wettkämpfe sein, angefangen mit den Pokal-Wettkämpfen, im Anschluss ab 14 h folgen die Vorkämpfe der DM Doppel-Mini. Das Finale der Deutschen Meisterschaften Doppel-Mini Einzel und Mannschaft beginnt dann ab 16 h.

Am Montag, den 21. Mai messen sich die „Senioren“ (ab 19 Jahren) im Pokalwettkampf einen Tag drauf dann die Schülerklassen (12-18 Jahre).

Die Deutschen Jugend-Meisterschaften Einzel finden am Mittwoch, den 22. Mai statt. Am Donnerstag werden die Synchronwettbewerbe aller Altersklassen ausgetragen.
Source/news DTB

Livros e Artigos

  • Trampoline
  • Trampoline Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Bouncing, Twisting & Flipping
  • Trampolining (Know the Game)
  • Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist
  • Fundamentos de Ginástica Artística e de Trampolins
  • Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins
  • Manual de Ajudas em Ginástica