The UEG representatives are known!

The 79th FIG Congress came to a close in Cancun (MEX) with the traditional gala dinner attended by the 106 present national federations.
Previously, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the academies, the FIG President Prof. Bruno Grandi (ITA) awarded the UEG and its President Georges Guelzec a distinction as a thank you for having provided the highest number of experts of all unions.
The day before, the delegates have elected the new authority members for the cycle 2013 -2016.
The UEG keeps the presidency of 6 technical committees out of 7 but its representation in the Executive Committee decreases. “I regret this weak participation of our European representatives for a union which counts with 48 federations nearly a third of the 134 affiliated to the FIG!” declared the President Guelzec and added: “I will raise the awareness of our member federations and invite them to participate more actively in the life of the FIG:”
President Guelzec warmly congratulated the elected UEG delegates. The European Union of Gymnastics had presented 64 candidates of which 44 have been elected.
The new authorities will come together in February 2013 in Lausanne for the first official act of their new mandate.
Fonte FIG

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